Democracy Under Siege – The Video Every American Should Watch
By: Fern Sidman
Over 60 Years ago, the late Soviet Prime Minister Nikita Khrushchev predicted what we see today unfolding before our very eyes in terms of the political, cultural, and economic collapse of our democratic society which is based on our individual rights and liberties as set forth in our constitution.
Khrushchev was the First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1953-1964, and as such has a total grasp on the insidious nature of Communism and precisely how a government can use it for complete control of a society.
In this video, the narrator from New Zealand speaks of a 1959 address that was delivered by Khrushchev in which he eerily predicted that Soviet style Communism will eventually take hold in the United States.
Despite initial resistance to the acceptance of Communism on the part of the American people, he predicted that incrementally it would permeate American society.
He speaks of controlling the people economically through “taking from those who are willing to work and giving to those who are not willing to work.”
This is exactly what is occurring now in the United States in terms of a government hand out system. The US is in the midst of witnessing a Marxist revolution, the likes of which we never thought possible as we had always prided ourselves on our capitalist infrastructure and our adherence to individual freedom and rights as outlined in our constitution.
Khrushchev also speaks about the nine concepts involved in creating a socialist state which will eventually turn into a Communist hegemony.
He speaks of the government raising the poverty levels to the highest they have ever been as it is easier for a government to control poverty stricken people when you give them everything for free.
He also speaks of raising the debt ceiling to astronomical proportions to the point of unsustainability. In this way, the government can raise taxes on the wealthy and remove from them whatever vestige of economic power and privilege that they had.
The next concept is that of gun control. When firearms are confiscated from the people, they have no way of resisting government encroachment on their lives and physically defending themselves against an onslaught.
Creating a welfare state is also addressed by Khrushchev. He speaks of giving people free housing, health insurance, food and other essentials in order to make them dependent on the government. This kind of dependency on the government makes those in need easier to control.
Also addressed is government control of the media as well as the governmental indoctrination of school age children through the creating of a government devised curriculum.
Removing G-d and religious practice from the home and the classroom is also necessary, Khrushchev said, in order to lead people to believe that their government is their G-d and that it is exclusively government that should be worshipped and revered. Religious values, he said, need to be replaced with a government created theology of paying homage to those who support the people in need.
And of course, Khrushchev addressed class warfare in which he describes creating even more societal dissension by eliminating the middle class and having the destitute rise up in a venomous manner against the ultra wealthy. In this way it will be easier for the government to tax the rich with the complete support of the poor people.
And naturally, mind control is achieved by total manipulation of the media and the daily diet of what kind of cognitive information that they people ingest. This not only includes consumption of the news but it also relates to cultural and literary themes.
What Khrushchev spoke about in such prescience in 1959 is occurring today in America. Our country is rapidly morphing into one in which the people are being controlled by the government in almost every aspect of their lives.
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