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Sunday, October 6, 2024

Poll Shows 74% of US Voters Say Country On Wrong Track; Biden’s Approval Rating Keeps Slipping

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Poll Shows 74% of US Voters Say Country On Wrong Track; Biden’s Approval Rating Keeps Slipping 


By: Hadassa Kalatizadeh 


On Sunday, a new poll taken by NBC News revealed overwhelming dissatisfaction among Americans. The new poll indicated that 74 percent of Americans said the country is on the wrong track.  Also,58 percent said the country’s best days are in the rearview mirror, and 61 percent said they are so dissatisfied they would be willing to march around for a day with a protest sign, the poll found.  Asked what the signs would say, Democratic voters responded, “Women’s rights,” “abortion rights,” and “prosecute Trump”.  Meanwhile, Republicans said their signs would say “impeach Biden,” “protect our freedom” and “protect 2nd Amendment”. 


The poll also showed that just 42 percent of American voters approve of President Joe Biden, while 55 percent disapprove — leaving the President’s approval rating virtually unchanged since October 2021. The support Biden does have comes 79 percent from Democrats, 58 percent from black voters, 50 percent from urban residents, and 47 percent from women.  As the midterm elections approach in 77 days, and the Democrats’ majority in congress is shaky, and Biden’s popularity won’t be much of an asset. The NBC News poll found that 47 percent of registered voters would prefer the Republicans to take control of Congress, with 45 percent backing Democrats in congress.  


The poll also sought to gauge the Partys’ enthusiasm to go out and vote in the November elections.  It found that 68 percent of Republicans express a high level of interest in the upcoming elections – choosing either a 9 or 10 on a 10-point scale – while Democrats are at 66%.  As per the NY Post, the modest 2 percentage point advantage, isn’t much for the GOP to celebrate though, being that it represents a 17-point drop in enthusiasm compared to the last poll in March.  Pollsters commented that the Supreme Court’s ruling overturning Roe v. Wade has helped motivate more Democrats to vote.  “The Supreme Court ruling has shaken up the electorate,” JeffHorwitt of Hart Research Associates told NBC. 


The poll was also conducted after the FBI raid on former President Donald Trump’s  Mar a Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida, where they entered to search for classified documents he may have allegedly removed from the White House.  


Questioned regarding the investigation into Trump, 57 percent of voters said they believe the inquiry should continue, while 40 percent said they should end due to their divisive impact on the country.  On the whole, voters indicated that “threats to democracy” was the top issue facing the country, beating the cost-of-living issue. 


The poll was taken between Aug. 12-16, based on responses from1,000 registered voters, with an overall margin of error of plus-minus 3.1 percentage points.   “Politically, for Joe Biden and Democrats, the news is not all bad,” said Democratic pollster Jeff Horwitt of Hart Research Associates, who conducted this survey with Republican pollster Bill McInturff of Public Opinion Strategies. “Heading into Labor Day, the political dynamics could be worse [for Democrats], but they also need to get a lot better and fast,” he said. 



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