JV Editorial

Iranian Assassins All Over the World

We are appalled and outraged by the Iranian attempt to assassinate Salman Rushdie, the British-American author of the novel, The Satanic Verses (1988). This heroic, outspoken critic of Islam and the fanaticism of its followers has been the target of a Fatwah, the religion’s call for death, imposed by Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini in 1989, for that book’s “assault on Islam.” The Fatwah drove Rushdie into hiding for years, the challenges of which he wrote about in a 2013 memoir called Joseph Anton. Sadly, as you can see in news articles, the Iranian fanaticism caught up with Rushdie in Chautauqua NY, and he’s in serious condition with 10 stab wounds and the possibility of losing sight in one eye. The gift of terror to America from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) through the actions of one of its American surrogates.

Since the Iranian revolution in 1979, the Iranian regime has been the leading exporter of terror around the world. No nation is safe from these Islamic terrorists. Back in 1983 and 1984 they killed nearly 100 Americans in two separate Beirut bombings. In 1985 they hijacked TWA flight 847, holding 39 American hostages on board for weeks. In 1992 they bombed the Israeli Embassy in Argentina, killing 29. And again in Argentina, in 1994, they bombed a Jewish community center, killing 85. And on and on: Iranian terror with the USS Cole bombing, in Bulgaria, Germany and of course their involvement in 9/11. They have to be recognized as a nation sponsoring terrorism and they have to be stopped. And right now is a good time.

If we all recognize this, why is the United States still begging Iran’s murderers to return to the bargaining table to renegotiate Obama’s 2015 nuclear deal which was killed by Trump when he was in office? Biden has made well known he wants to rekindle the JCPOA disaster that guarantees Iran to join the nuclear weaponized nations of the world. In addition, on August 10th the U.S. Justice Department announced that it indicted the IRGC for trying to pay $300,000 to someone in our country to murder former White House National Security Advisor John Bolton and former Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo. And Biden still wants to deal with these primitive, savage thugs?

Foundation for Defense of Democracies, CEO Mark Dubowitz, tweeted: “The silence of POTUS in  response to the attempted murder of Salman Rushdie looks increasingly the result of one thing: A desperation to return to the Iran deal. American desperation increases regime aggression. It always has.” Arkansas Republican Senator Tom Cotton: “Iran’s leaders have been calling for the murder of Salman Rushdie for decades. We know they’re trying to assassinate American officials today. Biden needs to immediately end negotiations with this terrorist regime.” Florida’s Senator Marco Rubio: “Why is Biden still negotiating a deal with these terrorists in Tehran?”

It’s outrageous, madness and insulting to all Americans and freedom loving peoples around the world, who look up to our nation as standing in the forefront of free speech and liberty, for our leaders to close their eyes to the never ending terror of Iran and continue this feigned, trustful relationship with them. Of being able to enter into a signed agreement with these religious lunatics and believe they’ll comply to the rules set down for them? We demand that President Biden, when he returns home from his seaside vacation resort, to send a message to the Mullahs of Iran, that their assassins in this country will be hunted down, arrested and sent away for lifetimes for their crimes. And for good measure, tell them to take Obama’s nuclear deal and shove it. Terminate relations with them at once.

Sholom Schreirber

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