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College vaccine-mandate lawsuit cites ‘fraudulent’ death certificates

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(WND) Alleging fraudulent data was used to create COVID-19 guidance, a student is suing Massachusetts officials after he was kicked out of law school for refusing to be vaccinated for the disease.

John Paul Beaudoin Sr. has named Republican Gov. Charlie Baker, the state public health commissioner and medical examiners in his suit, charging they submitted fraudulent data to the federal government, which then devised COVID guidance that was adopted by his school, the private Massachusetts School of Law.

Significantly, Just the News reported, Beaudoin alleges that many Massachusetts death certificates “wrongly list ‘COVID-19’ as a cause of death.”

One of the examples he cites is that of 7-year-old Cassidy Baracka, whose Jan. 18 death was blamed on COVID complications. Beaudoin points, however, to a Jan. 15 report in the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, or VAERS, which is run by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

The VAERS report states the child first became seriously ill “5 min post vaccination,” or five minutes after receiving a COVID-19 shot.

The complaint states that the “fraudulent misrepresentations aggregate to support a false narrative” that has harmed Beaudoin and society by “convincing institutions to coerce people under color of law to take an experimental biological product.”

Beaudoin already has sued the law school for allegedly ignoring his religious exemption request and “four pre-existing health issues consistent with thousands” of COVID vaccine reports in VAERS.

Just the News noted that few elected officials have moved to challenge the alleged inflating of the pandemic’s official death toll. One notable exception is the two Oregon state senators, Dennis Linthicum and Kim Thatcher, who have asked their U.S. attorney to convene a federal grand jury to investigate “statistical manipulation” by the CDC and the FDA.

The lawmakers charge the agencies have manipulated figures regarding vaccine casualties and inflated the numbers of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths.

Linthicum and Thatcher, in their petition to U.S. Attorney Scott Asphaug, said they were advised by “a large team of world-renowned doctors, epidemiologists, virologists and attorneys.”

The VAERS database reports 30,479 COVID-19 vaccine deaths as of Aug. 19. The lawmakers, in their petition, cite a CDC whistleblower who states the actual figure may be five times higher. Others have calculated the underreporting factor to be more than 40 times higher.

VAERS is described as a “voluntary” reporting system, but the Department of Health and Human Services says that health-care providers “who administer COVID-19 vaccines are required by law after vaccination to report to VAERS” any errors in administering the shots along with, among other things, deaths and life-threatening adverse events.

A decade before COVID-19, the so-called Lazarus study by Harvard researchers estimated VAERS accounted for only 1% of vaccine-induced injuries.

Steve Kirsch, the executive director of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, and others conducted an analysis comparing anaphylaxis rates published in a study to rates found in VAERS. They concluded the true death toll from COVID-19 vaccines is 41 times higher.

The website VAERS Analysis used whistleblower data from the CMS, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, to come up with an estimated underreporting factor of 44.64.

Massachusetts was one of three states, the New York Times reported in August 2020, that reported inflated numbers because of faulty testing.
The Times examined PCR testing data in three states and found “up to 90 percent of people testing positive carried barely any virus” and, therefore, were not infectious.

In January 2021, as WND reported, the World Health Organization officially acknowledged that the “gold standard” PCR test used to diagnose COVID-19 has a high rate of false-positives that make it unreliable. The WHO warns that most PCR tests “are indicated as an aid for diagnosis,” meaning health care providers should consider at least seven other factors to confirm any diagnosis. A study in April 2020 found the “evidence shows that false positive PCR results are common enough to impact clinical and policy decisions.”


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