Addressing Violence in Our Society
Dear Editor:
The recent shootings around the nation should remind us all that we are not safe even in our own cities, streets or homes. The subways are violent. The local schools do not protect our kids not only from dangerous intruders, but from the students, as well. My son goes to a junior high school in Queens, where he reports daily violence when school is in session. Teachers are not prepared for the poor behavior in their classes. Nor should they attempt to intervene physically. It’s too dangerous and it’s not expected for them to do so. They have enough problems teaching these Kids. My husband and I have had enough and are transferring our son to a Yeshivah, where he’ll be protected from classroom violence and from intruders, by two armed guards hired for such duties.
We are thinking of relocating within the next two years to Florida where their governor, DeSantis is devoted to his constituents and especially to the younger kids who get a much better education under his watch. And.there is no United Federation of Teachers to control the syllabi taught to the kids. And don’t forget the lack of a state income tax, better weather than in the city and weather to die for. That’s the family’s plans for the future, G-d willing.
Jaimie Moskowitz
Assessing Biden’s Mideast Trip
Dear Editor:
The trip that President Biden took to the Middle East is fraught with peril for Israel and the Arab nations in the Middle East, all of whom are the targets of a soon-to-be nuclear armed nation, Iran, who will control the actions of the U.S, in the area. There is doubt the Mullahs of Iran sense the vulnerabilities of our president physically and mentally. They will extract from him whatever they desire in the way of reducing the dangers to them of a united Middle East, against their nation. Biden will speak to Israeli leaders, now in a frenzy as to what to do with their fractured government.
They are a nation in disarray and should postpone their meeting with Biden to another time. His schedule together with his infirmities will not have him return to this area during the next 2 1/2 years of his term, therefore, they will not be hammered by him to give up their superiority over Iran. The Crown Prince of Arabia should also ignore Biden’s visit to send the message that they are concerned about the U.S’s siding with Iran. We need their oil more than they need the President. Our congress will shortly be Republican and they can support the nations of the Middle East with whatever financial and military support they will need to counter the threats from Iran. The message to them all……..turn your backs on President Biden.
Marvin Kamin
Brooklyn, NY
Gas Prices, Inflation & Depression
Dear Editor,
I drive a truck for a living and use it daily. I just filled up for one day’s use around Long Island. It cost me nearly $250, which is more than double what I paid just a year ago. I must pass this on to my wholesale customers who, in turn do the same to their retailers and then on to the actual consumers. The same problem holds true for taxis. And what happens to our fuel bills during this upcoming winter? My Dad uses oil to heat his home. He’ll go broke when he fills up his below ground tank. What of our electricity costs? Our electric bills?
Inflation is the beginning of an oncoming depression which will cripple the economy, the government, and the nation. Will we be able to hold out until the 2022 elections? If the Republicans get in will they be able to restart the petroleum industry in time to save us from this winter? With three little kids to feed, I’m worried. You should be too.
Richard Zimmerman
Whitestone, Queens
Illegal Aliens Voting in Municipal Elections
Dear Editor:
Is any City resident concerned or even aware that our low–brow Mayor Adams signed into law that went into effect recently that permits more than 800,000 non-citizens, “Dreamers” and illegal aliens to vote in municipal elections as early as net year? They still cannot vote for president or members of Congress in federal races or in the state elections that pick the governor, judges an legislators. Adams didn’t even comment on the ruling by the city Council approved about a month ago. This is the beginning of having any person vote, without identification, residency or any proof that he or she is a citizen of this country.
But coming to the rescue is New York Republican Chairman Nick Langworthy and a group of Republican elected officials in NYC who filed a lawsuit in state court on Staten Island seeking to block the law and declare it unconstitutional. Kudos to these small few who seem to have the defense of democracy in their plans. Could you imagine 800,000 non citizens and non residents voting to put people in office to rule you and me? Irrational and immoral. Vote out the Woke, Lunatic Dems.
Andy Leffler
Jamaica, NY
No Cash Bail for Violent Felons
Dear Editor:
Last week, Congressman Lee Zeldin, who is running for Governor of New York, was out on the campaign trail in Rochester New York . Out of the blue, a mentally deranged, 43-year-old David Jakubonis, jumped on stage and tried to stab Mr. Zeldin in the throat while yelling,” you’re done”. Zeldin and one of his assistants wrestled him to the ground. He was arrested and thanks to New York State’s revolving door, no bail justice, he was released on his own recognizance. This man attempted to murder a sitting Republican Congressman and is free to purchase another weapon and try again.
You can thank Ex Governor Cuomo and sitting Governor Kathy Hochul for this travesty of justice. She is in full agreement with no cash bail needed for violent felons. Human traffickers, rapists, violent criminals, people carrying loaded illegal guns, all enjoy this no cash bail law. They are being released on the streets to repeat their violent offenses and it many cases succeed and murder someone the second time around.
It’s sad that the assailant David Jakubonis is a Veteran who now has a bad drinking problem and suffers from depression since the death of his wife. I sympathize with that,but he should not be walking around free. He should be in a mental hospital and being evaluated to see if he is fit to stand trial or be held for treatment.
Just know this, if this assailant was a man wearing a Trump hat and tried to stab Governor Hochul, he would be sitting in jail now with NO BAIL. This is very sad now in America, there are two types of justice, one for the WOKE PROGRESSIVE SOCIALISTS and one for Americans who are Patriots and Conservative. Our only hope is regaining control of Congress and Senate in November. Vote, every vote counts.
Angelo Donato
Midwood Brooklyn
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