
Letters to the Editor

A True American Patriot

Dear Editor:

Trump is my hero. I’m American, white, Jewish, male, a veteran and a patriot. The order may not be perfect but it’s what I am, like it or not. And I will fight to the death against anyone who attempts to overrun or destroy my beloved country. I fly the flag on my lawn, have them on my car and wear patriotic shirts and pins on my jackets, to let all know how and where I stand.

My parents came here from Europe to escape persecution and to be able to speak freely. These rights are now in jeopardy, not merely from abroad, but locally, from my and your neighbors and fellow workers. I and the rest of us must understand the threats to this country from our Leftist leaders who emulate the tactics of dangerous fascist movements in order to subjugate and control our people. We must wake up get educated and take a stand against our domestic enemies. If not……..Germany 1933, here we come!!

Gerald Gordon
Queens, NY


Have the Dems Abdicated Reason & Logic?

Dear Editor,

The rising prices for everything, the shortages on the food shelves and the insecurity felt by all under this administration will bring the crashing down way before the 2024 elections. Living in Manhattan under the law enforcement guidelines of Alvin Bragg are a danger to all of our lives. The Democrats have abdicated reason and logic for demagoguery and dictatorship in their leadership up and down the line.

You can’t walk in the city without looking backwards to see if a criminal is ready to pounce on you. Prices in the stores are soaring together with the taxes we pay to city hall and Albany. Why do I view the future as bleak?

Franklin Archer
Upper West Side


Not Happy with Biden’s Trip to Israel

Dear Editor:

The trip to Israel and the Middle East by President Biden was a flop. He didn’t get the Saudis to sell us the oil; we already have plenty of under our soil. He refused to have any Israeli (Jews) accompany him on his trip to the Palestinian controlled areas of Israel. He didn’t admonish the Palestinians for their constant threats to destroy Israel. He did not bash Hamas. Rather, he gave them millions of $ to rebuild their tunnels and to restore their missile batteries that send death into Israel. And in addition, the videos of his evident frailties in even finding his seat an sitting own, indicated he’s not up to the job of being president.

Henrietta Skolnik
Far Rockaway, NY


Not Interested in MLB Games Anymore

Dear Editor:

Is there really a Major League All Star Game coming up next week or whenever? As a former Brooklyn dodger fan who transferred his allegiance to the Mets and used to follow the game religiously, I don’t know and don’t want to know. The sport is no longer of any interest to me. Teams sport gay pride logos on their uniforms, support BLM and I’m sure the National Anthem will be banned from some stadiums sooner than later. Some of the San Francisco Giants, led by their manager Gabe Kapler, kneeled at its playing, in disrespect of it and the flag. So, the All Star game…. Fuggadaboudit

Shelley Birnbaum
Flushing, NY


The Supreme Court’s Decision on Abortion

Dear Editor:

What is the problem all of my liberal friends have with the Supreme Court’s decision on abortion? They are all going nuts about it. And, to make my point, they are all in their 70’s. I ask them how the ruling affects them. They all respond it’s for the younger generation they are supporting and their right to “choose.” I try to explain to them that the Supreme Court did not outlaw abortion but rather left it up to the states and their legislators to rule on the issue. As well, the voters can choose and vote for those who make these laws at the ballot boxes. It is basically the voters who will make the decisions on the matter rather than the un-elected Supreme Court justices.

In the State of New York, the governor recently proposed her state will pay for those from other states to come to NY for the procedure. Goo for her residents who will now have to shell out travel, food, housing and medical expenses for those who routinely have abortions as a means of birth control. If her citizens refuse to do so, let them remove her from office. Or let the state have “open borders for illegals” to enter for this free service.

Arlene Hausner
Ft. Lauderdale,


Adopt; Don’t Shop

Dear Editor:

I am not against professional dog or cat breeders.  If they are doing all the correct things and taking the upmost best care of their dogs.  Some people only want pure bred dogs or cats.  If you are one of them, be sure you check out all the credentials of the breeder and get references from the Vet they use and people who purchased pets from them.  Be sure above all you do NOT BUY FROM A PET SHOP or puppy mill or a back yard breeder.

All pet shops get their pups and kittens from puppy mills or back yard unprofessional breeders.  Amish country in Pennsylvania is notorious for this.  The dogs they breed never get to walk around, never leave the small cage they are kept in and are living in filth. Their puppies have many health issues and many are from parents that are inbred thus they will have many inherited diseases.  If you are smart, you will adopt, not shop.

Many breeds have rescues that you can go to and adopt a dog or cat that needs a home desperately.  Animal shelters are overflowing with pets in need of a good home.  So many of these animals are already housebroken, and over the puppy stages.  There is also an abundance of wonderful cats and kittens up for adoption.  Many people adopted a pet during the worst of the pandemic, only to abandon them after they returned to a more normal life and returned to work.  So please, before calling a breeder, go online, contact dog or cat rescue.  I have been a volunteer for rescued dogs for 20 years and have two beautiful boys we adopted who were in dire need of a good home.  Please consider it before you spend thousands of dollars on a pure bred dog or cat.

Elissa Maldonado

Sholom Schreirber

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