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Terror attack in Elad: Bar Refaeli challenges Bella Hadid on Instagram

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(I24 News)Hadid is a fierce opponent of the Jewish state

Top Israeli model Bar Refaeli published a story on Instagram on Friday morning in memory of the three people murdered in Thursday night’s terrorist attack in Elad.

In her story, she made sure to tag American model Bella Hadid, who is of partial Palestinian descent, with the question “Are you going to repost?”

Hadid is a fierce opponent of the Jewish state and frequently attacks Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers on social networks during response operations in the Gaza Strip. She recently blasted IDF and police operations against the many Muslim rioters on the Temple Mount.

During the war, Hadid’s Instagram page had become a propaganda tool against Israel and expressed no condemnation of the current wave of terror hitting the Jewish state.

Refaeli, more discreet, tries not to express her opinions on social networks.

On Thursday evening, Yonatan Havakuk, 44, and Boaz Gol, 49, both residents of Elad, and Oren Ben Yiftah, 35, a resident of Lod, were murdered in a terrorist attack in the town of Elad, during which two Palestinian terrorists armed with an ax and a knife attacked passers-by.

To date, the terrorists have not been arrested and the manhunt is still ongoing.

The three men leave behind families and 16 orphaned children.

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