Ukraine & the Biden Crime Family
Dear Editor:
I don’t know if anyone knew it but the Major League baseball season started this week. Frankly, I don’t think many care about that sport, once America’s favorite past-time, one way or another. How many blink in bewilderment, that the Cleveland Indians are no more. The team that launched legends such as, Bob Feller, Larry Doby and Lou Boudreau, has changed its name to….. the Cleveland Guardians, in the name of social justice. No longer “The Indians,” they’ll be known as “The Guardians?” Doesn’t it just roll off your tongue? Next in line to be examined under the lunacy equity microscope by the likes of Al Sharpton and AOC, will probably be, The Boston Braves, Chicago White Sox, San Diego Padres, Kansas City Royals, Los Angeles Angels and the Milwaukee Brewers. Replacement names associated with any of these home city designations might be: “Homeless, “Migrants,” “Looters,” “Minorities” or even “LBGTQs.”
Alvin Kohn
Philadelphia, PA
Concerned About Shootings of Police Officers
Dear Editor:
Even FBI Director Wray is concerned about the shootings of police officers around the country. During a recent “60 Minutes” show he claimed that the murders of police officers rose 60% in 2021. Many of them were shot in ambushes in violent, high crime areas where criminality is the major profession. Here in New York City criminals are encouraged to disparage cops and to treat them like dirt. Former Mayor DeBlasio’s own daughter was caught and filmed fire-bombing a police cruiser in lower Manhattan during a riot. Yet she was never cuffed or faced a criminal charge. Cops have had frozen bottles of water heaved at them. They’ve been spat on and beaten with the closed eyes of justice permitting such behavior. It will continue until we have elected officials who respect law and order hand out sentences of such consequences as to squelch this dangerous treatment of cops and all law enforcement officials.
Stanley Dortch
Queens, NY
Time to Take Back Major League Baseball
Dear Editor:
Kudos to the letter writer who expressed his opinion on baseball, its owners and players who reap fortunes from ordinary fans. It’s time to take back the sport where it was years ago when fans owned the game. Ticket prices were within reach of the normal fan, refreshments were plain and cheap and the game was played by ordinary guys. Now that’s all in the past. It takes a mortgage payment to have the family sit in the stands to watch a game played by millionaires who flit from one team to another to play for pay. Better now to just stay home, play catch with your kids or teach them how to ride bikes or how to repair a door handle. The once summer past time of baseball has gone the way of the nickel candy bar. It’s gone for good.
Robert Stanbeck
Hartford, Conn
NYers on Crime: Why Bother???
Dear Editor:
New Yorkers are wondering why bother? Why should the re-instated gun squad bother to try and arrest street criminals who are carrying loaded guns? Mayor Adams returned them to patrol in the neighborhoods that are plagued with gun violence and murders. These officers now wear uniforms and are no longer undercover. They have been making arrests and getting guns off the streets, but why bother. Manhattan District Attorney has been releasing these felons back into the streets, without bail as fast as the police arrest them. These people were found to have loaded illegal, unlicensed guns in their pockets and they are now back in the street. It will take them only a few days to find another “ghost gun” and get back out there ready to use it at any moment. Why shouldn’t they, after all they have nothing to fear, no repercussions.
With warmer weather on the way, the murder rate will continue to soar. More innocent children walking to school will be shot, more Grandmothers walking home with groceries will be murdered. There is only one way to curb this violence, and unfortunately our Governor Kathy Hochul is doing nothing to stop this. She has the power to end this madness and re-instate mandatory jail and setting cash bail for anyone carrying a weapon of any kind. She can make sure the criminals roaming the streets know that if caught, if arrested, they will remain in jail they will not get a slap on the wrist and sent home the same day. Instead she goes along with the progressives who have destroyed life in New York City. We can only hope people are fed up enough to make sure she does not get elected in November. Until then, nothing will change, it will only get worse. Mayor Adams hands are tied, the NYPD detective squad’s hands are tied. As long as we have turnstile justice in New York, why bother?
Elissa M
Marine Park
Brooklyn, NY
Ukraine’s Zelensky & His Judaism
Dear Editor:
Where are the letters expressing disgust at American Jews and their organizations fawning over Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy’s presumed Jewishness. He’s not Jewish any longer, his both daughters were baptized and his nation has not been a friend to Israel. In the U.N., Ukraine has voted with the Palestinians against Israel numerous times, never showing support for a nation on whom they are now calling and relying on for compassion and military aid. Israel is responding, while at the same time, fighting off the attacks from Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. Where are the thanks from Zelenskyy to the Jewish state for risking alienating Russia with its support for Ukraine? Just what are the Palestinians doing to aid Ukraine? Silence! Israel and the Jewish people worldwide have got to wake up and realize the assistance we’re giving to Ukraine will never be appreciated or reciprocated in kind.. I’m sick of Jewish philanthropic support to its enemies. It must stop.
Julius Hornstein
Boca Raton, FL
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