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*The goal is preliminary as the war rages the astronomical costs are unknown. The goal will be raised as needed*

If you know someone who is currently in Ukraine and wants to
move to a secured location, please send the following details – name,
citizenship, location, and phone number and where he is in Ukraine and we will contact him asap. Send the details to WhatsApp +380931356134. https://wa.me/+380931356134

*The goal is preliminary as the war rages the astronomical costs are unknown. The goal will be raised as needed*

If you know someone who is currently in Ukraine and wants to
move to a secured location, please send the following details – name,
citizenship, location, and phone number and where he is in Ukraine and we will contact him asap. Send the details to WhatsApp +380931356134. https://wa.me/+380931356134

שלום לכולם כל מי שרוצה או מכיר מישהו שנמצא כרגע באוקראינה ומעוניין לצאת למקומות יותר מובטחים שישלח את פרטים הבאים – שם, אזרחות, מיקום, ומספר טלפון ואיפה שהוא נמצא באוקראינה ויצרו אתו קשר בעזהשי”ת . לשלוח הפרטים למספר ווטסאפ 380931356134+


Kehilas Stolin Karlin – Beis Ahron Vyisroel – Yad Yisroel Ukraine – Belarus



UPDATE – MOTZEI SHABBOS March 5TH 10:00pm EST 5:00am Ukraine 

On Friday night we got another 53 people over the border at costs well in excess of over $100,000.

On Shabbos we got over 5 additional buses thru the border. 3 from Kiev, 1 from Odessa & 1 from Lviv at costs of a few hundred thousand dollars!

We are working on evacuating an additional 300 people tomorrow from Kharkiv which is one of the most dangerous places in the country. Sundays rescue efforts will cost us astronomical sums!

At the same time, people keep arriving at the border on their own & we are helping them get over.

In addition to efforts and logistics inside Ukraine, we have a team of people working on the other side, finding more hotels, more buses & cars to help the influx of people who are constantly coming through the border.

UPDATE FRIDAY – EREV SHABBOS March 4TH 10:00am EST 5:00pm Ukraine 

As per the Psak from the rabonnim, our command center in Belarus is operating in full speed through out the entire shabbos , saving yidden one by one. We also have buses & transits operating through out shabbos, bringing yidden across the borders.



The situation on the ground in Ukraine is anything but simple. The following is a quick synopsis on what’s going on in the Ukraine and the efforts outside of Ukraine to rescue those still there. Leaving Ukraine is extremely difficult for anyone, even women and children, even more so for men between 18 and 60 who cannot leave legally due to the draft law.

On top of that is the issue with border crossing. Virtually all border crossings are either sealed or backed up for weeks. Very few people have the means and ways with which to exfiltrate anyone over the border. Additionally, there is a tremendous amount of logistics involved in finding the people who need and want to leave,
fielding the phone calls, arranging transportation from the various cities,
towns and villages toward the border.

We are receiving calls from every region, every community, every nationality, all Yidden need to be saved. The options and methods of getting out are small and getting smaller too. There is little time to wait. Yad Yisroel – Bais Aharon V’yisroel; the Karlin Stoliner Kehila of Belarus & Kiev stands at the forefront of the Ukraine Rescue
Operation. We are the boots on the ground, running operations from wherever we

The cost of each busload is staggering, and we are bussing out HUNDREDS so far, but the numbers of requests keep rising. We have already rescued over 1000 people from every part of Ukraine. Kiev, Odessa, some even in the Carpathian Mountains, Lvov, KVinita Vinitza, Mariupol and Dniepropetrovsk, they are reaching out to us. We put them on trains & buses and even taxis to safer locations where we then bus then out in larger groups thru the Ukrainian borders to safety.


Once they are taken out of Ukraine there is a need for a place to house them. Until now many of them were being put up in facilities with no heat, sleeping on the floor. These are folks who left EVERYTHING behind, traveled 30 hours or more in harrowing, fearful conditions. Sleeping on the cold floor is not acceptable. At least not for us. Therefore we are allocating funds to set up heated facilities with more amenities for these people, so that they can suffer just a little bit less.

We are working literally around the clock. This isn’t anything less than LIFE AND DEATH.

We will therefore be working our networks and efforts throughout Shabbos, again, because this is war. These are refugees. These are people who cannot be left behind. Lives are at stake. We have a team flying out Motzei Shabbos to the Moldova border that will assist & welcome all those crossing the border with everything they need! Every penny raised goes to them. There are no administrative costs or salaries. There are no gimmicks or games. There is nothing other than saving yidden.

May we all be zoche to greet Moshiach very soon.

Gut shabbos, Dobre Subbotah, from our
command center in Pinsk, Belarus 

Harav Shmuel Dishon 

Rabbi Moshe Fhima 

Rabbi Yaakov Shteierman 

Rabbi Avi Zaltzman 

UPDATE Wednesday March 2nd 3:00pm EST 10:00pm Ukraine

The evacuation requests are overwhelming! Our people at the front-lines are responding and helping hundreds of adults & children be brought to safety every minute of the day. They are working around the clock, day & night. These operations are very complicated & risky. The costs of transports and border crossings are enormous. Once they cross the Ukrainian border, they are being put up in different refugee camps that we have set up. We are continuously setting up more refugee camps in different areas and providing the refugees with all accommodations necessary to make them comfortable. The costs are much more than we have anticipated. NO JEW WILL BE LEFT BEHIND!

Please continue praying for us! Our missions need your prayers & so do all the yidden in Ukraine!


This Campaign is under Kehilas Beis Aharon V’yisroel Stolin Karlin Kiev – Yad Yisroel Kiev Ukraine & Belarus.

Changing the Lives of Jews in the Former Soviet Union!

Yad Yisroel- Beis Ahron Vyisroel was founded in 1990, at the behest and
directorship of the Rebbe of Karlin Stolin, by Harav Shmuel Dishon, Rabbi Yaakov Shteierman, Rabbi Moshe Fhima & Rabbi Saltzman in the aftermath of the Soviet Communist regime. The remnants of Jewish communities spread across Eastern Europe were in dire need of reconstruction and Jewish revival.

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