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President Biden Exposed: Unraveling the Mystery Behind the Iran Nuke Deal

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By: Fern Sidman

As war rages on unabated in Ukraine and Russia continues its incessant attacks on civilians and military installations in the beleaguered country, yet another issue that directly affects the entire world remains cloaked in the background.

Negotiations in Vienna, Austria have been taking place for close to a year to resurrect the Iranian nuclear deal, formerly known as the JCPOA. The Obama administration orchestrated the deal in 2015 and the US ratified the deal with the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Russia, China and Iran. Its ostensible rasion d’etre was to place a metaphorical watchman on Iran’s mushrooming nuclear armaments program, but the result was the exact opposite.

Upon closely scrutinizing the deal, former President Donald Trump aptly described it as “disastrous” and in 2018 he ordered that the United States abrogate the inequitable agreement with Iran. The deal was essentially tantamount to a hideous subterfuge that would allow Iran a clear pathway to a nuclear arsenal and the ability to spends over $100 billion on state sponsored terrorism. While the Obama led deal was in effect, Iran was enriching uranium at an astronomical rate and they intentionally circumvented the IAEA’s regulations through its non-compliance with the agreements in the deal; particularly the details concerning complete transparency of its nuclear facilities and activities.

Today, Iran won’t even conduct direct negotiations with the United States and messages are passed between the two countries by proxy. Yet and still, the Biden administration has pledged to not only revive the moribund Iran nuclear deal but to forge a new one. As it turns out, the US is negotiating at a colossal disadvantage because back in December, Biden’s appointed negotiators asked Russia to do their bidding at the arms talks in Vienna. Security analysts and Middle East experts have agreed that this move “put the fox in charge of the hen house.”

On Sunday evening, Fox News television talk show host Mark Levin hosted Richard Goldberg, a former senior official on the national security council in the Trump administration. He is currently a senior advisor on the Council of Defense of Democracies. Mr. Goldberg is a highly regarded scholar on issues pertaining to the Middle East and even more directly on Iran and its nuclear intentions.

When queried by Levin on why Russia is negotiating on behalf of the United States with Iran on a  nuclear missile deal, Goldberg explained: “It is just unbelievable. If you recall, the Trump administration left the disastrous Iran nuke deal. It was not working for the United States. It was called the JCPOA. In 2018, the Trump administration kept up the pressure and left the deal. The deal meant billions of dollars going to Iran for the funding of missiles, for terrorism and for them to keep enriching uranium on their soil.”

Goldberg noted that in 2018, the Israeli Mossad unearthed the nuclear archive that Iran was hiding from the world. He said that “led the IAEA in Vienna discovering undeclared nuclear sites in Iran. And they still have questions about undeclared nuclear activities in Iran to this very day.”

“President Trump left that deal and decided to put impose maximum pressure with sanctions on the economy of Iran. Let’s remember where that was when Biden took office. The international monetary fund said that at the end of 2020, Iran was down to just $4 billion in accessible foreign exchange reserves.  That’s unbelievable. Down from $122 billion in accessible foreign exchange reserves when President Trump started the maximum pressure campaign, “ Goldberg observed.

When Biden came into office he pledged to go back to the terrible Iran nuke deal. It was a campaign promise. It was ingrained in the Democratic party platform.

But Biden then intentionally ceased the maximum campaign pressure began by President Trump. Now, Iran has attacked US troops throughout the Middle East through their forces, terrorist groups and militias. Moreover, they have not accounted for these undeclared nuclear material and sites, said Goldberg.

He explained that “Biden began to relax sanctions. What did Iran do? They began advancing forward in their nuclear program more than ever. 20 percent enriched uranium, 60 percent enriched uranium. Going closer to the line of weapons grade uranium. All the while, taking advantage of the sanctions relaxation that the Biden administration was providing.

European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell speaks during a press statement at EU headquarters in Brussels, Sunday, Feb. 27, 2022. Borrell said Friday, March 11, 2022, that “a pause” was needed in ongoing talks over Iran’s tattered nuclear deal with world powers, blaming “external factors” for the delay. (Stephanie Lecocq,Pool Photo via AP, File)

By the end of last year, some of Biden’s negotiators who had been involved in the indirect negotiations with Iran for months in Vienna had resigned.

“Now, think about this. We’re not talking with the Iranians. They won’t let us. We have to sit in a room in a hotel and pass messages down the hall to other countries to present to Iran and they do the same back to us. This has been going on for months. This is unbelievable, “ Goldberg said incredulously.

Goldberg said that the US strategy vis-à-vis Iran proved to be an abysmal failure. “Iran was becoming more threatening, getting closer and closer to the nuclear threshold.”

Rather than admitting that the Iran negotiation policy was on life support, Goldberg said that the Biden administration decided to go to the Russians late last year and say: “Will you take over these negotiations? Will you take over the ball? We’ll go through your lead. This was essentially handing Vladimir Putin the keys to this deal. And they didn’t know that Russia was going to become the controversy that it is today. For years, we have known that Russia would be.”

Goldberg said that Biden did not expect Putin to invade Ukraine. But now we see the deal on the table in Vienna has been brokered by the Russians.

He noted that the Russian ambassador in Vienna is the lead negotiator for the deal and said that this is an important point because not only is the deal a total disaster and a threat to national security but it has other ominous implications.

He said that the new deal lifts $100 billion to give access to the Islamic Republic which is the world’s largest sponsor of state terror. The enormous monetary package will be used to “fund terrorism, to fund missiles, to keep the advances that Iran has made in their nuclear program over the last year while being helped by the Biden administration, “ Goldberg said.

Summarizing the major tenets, Goldberg said that this new deal would provide more sanctions relief than the last deal in exchange for fewer restrictions than the original deal called for.

“If you thought that the last deal was the worst deal in history, this is the new worst deal in history, “ said Goldberg.

On the monetary front, Goldberg said that “if we lift the sanctions on Iran through the central bank as well as the other banks and Iran’s oil company, its tanker company, Russia will be in a position to set up a sanctions evasion hub in Iran.”

All the other banks that are being sanctioned in Russia will be able to conduct transactions in Iran with a sanctions free central bank there, he noted.

“This is a disaster because what the Iranians will say is: “Don’t you dare reissue sanctions on our banks just because we’re letting Russia evade sanctions. If you do, we’ll go back to nuclear extortion, “ he said.

Goldberg opined that the Biden administration does not get tough with their foes, but rather they “run away from nuclear extortion.”

“So, we are setting up a deal that not only gives Iran a pathway to nuclear weapons, and we are not just giving Iran money to fund terrorism against the West but will give Putin the ‘get out of jail free card’ from all of our sanctions, “ he said.

Goldberg predicted that Iran “will continue to enrich uranium on their soil. They will keep their enrichment capabilities that they have had since the original deal. That allows them to threaten the world at any time of their choosing and cross that nuclear threshold. They can continue to develop longer and longer nuclear capable missiles to attack the US homeland. They will get access to a hundred billion dollars to fund all their malign activities. And all their terrorist activities.”

Richard Goldberg on Life, Liberty & Levin: “They will be allowed to continue developing longer and longer range nuclear capable missiles to one day attack the U.S. Homeland. They will get access to $100 billion to fund all those malign activities and all their terrorist activities, and by the way, the banks that were going to be subject to sanctions relief today are subjected to terrorism sanctions, not nuclear sanctions.” Photo Credit: Fox News

He added that the banks that were going to be subject to sanctions relief today are “now subject to terrorism sanctions. Not nuclear sanctions. The central bank of Iran is the world’s leading financier of terrorism.”

“In exchange, we will be saying, ‘Great! We will be legitimizing your nuclear program while the IAEA in Vienna continues to investigate undeclared nuclear activities in Iran, “ said Goldberg. He added, “How do we make a deal on legitimizing Iran’s nuclear program and give them $100 billion while there is an ongoing investigation concerning clandestine nuclear activities in Iran. It’s completely ludicrous. This will make a very dangerous regime even more dangerous.”

Explicating that the new Iran deal will “destabilize the Middle East and threaten US national security” Goldberg reminded Fox News viewers that “this is the regime that pledges ‘Death to America’ and ‘Death to Israel’ – and they mean it when they say that.”

The United States, according to Goldberg, is also currently engaged in negotiations “to have the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, (the IRGC) taken off the foreign terrorist organization watch list.” The IRGC is Iran’s terror-paramilitary operation.

Of the IRGC, Goldberg stated that this organization “is working to supply weapons and arming those who want to destroy Israel. And working to destroy our Gulf Arab allies.”

He added that: “On the same week that you are negotiating to remove sanctions and to remove the IRGC from the foreign terrorist organization list, we must be reminded that the IRGC is the mortal enemy of Saudi Arabia. They are arming the Houthis in Yemen and lobbing missiles every day at Riyadh  and Abu Dhabi. And you call the king of Saudi Arabia and say; Can you pump more oil now? Why do you think they are not taking the call from the White House?”

Lamentably, Goldberg said: “This is a very backwards policy. We are hurting our energy policy, we are hurting our foreign policy, and this Iran deal reflects both.”

Experts in national security and global affairs appear to concur with Goldberg’s cogent argument. According to the United Against Nuclear Iran organization, its web site states that by the year 2031, (or sooner, in some cases), Iran will be granted permission to produce highly enriched uranium, stockpile unlimited amounts of uranium, use advanced centrifuges to enrich uranium more quickly, conduct unlimited research and development on uranium-enrichment centrifuges, and build and operate facilities to enrich uranium without restrictions.

They will also be permitted to enrich uranium, without restrictions, at its underground, hardened, previously secret Fordow nuclear facility, reprocess spent fuel—which can be used for nuclear weapons—from heavy-water nuclear reactors; and build new heavy-water reactors, which would annually produce enough plutonium to fuel several nuclear weapons.

The web site statement concluded that the international community is therefore only ‘renting’ Iranian arms control for a time, after which Iran will have a virtually unrestricted, internationally validated, industrial-scale nuclear program. By giving political approval to that program, the JCPOA therefore makes military action the only option left to prevent a nuclear Iran.”

In yet another startling development pertaining to the IRGC, on March 7th, the Washington Examiner reported that “at least two Iranians belonging to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards’ covert-action Quds Force have been plotting to assassinate former national security adviser John Bolton, according to a Justice Department official with direct knowledge of the investigation.”

The source told the Washington Examiner that the department possesses indictable evidence against the Iranians but that Biden administration officials are resisting publicly indicting the men for fear that it could derail their drive for a nuclear deal with Iran, currently nearing completion in negotiations in Vienna, Austria.

The Washington Examiner reported that It is possible but unlikely that there are sealed indictments against the men, but the DOJ source said the seriousness of the conspiracy and the evidence warranted public indictment without delay. Sealed indictments would be unusual and probably unnecessary in this case, as they are usually used to prevent the target evading justice. The Quds Force is fully aware of U.S. law enforcement and intelligence attention toward it, so its members are unlikely to put themselves in a position to be arrested with or without a sealed indictment.

International Atomic Energy Organization, IAEA, Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi, right, speaks with Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, left, during their meeting in Tehran, Saturday, March 5, 2022. Grossi met Saturday with Iranian officials as talks in Vienna over Tehran’s tattered atomic deal with world powers appear to be reaching their end. (AP Photo)

Another Trump administration official who is facing serious and highly credible threats from Iran is former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. According to a recent report in the Daily Mail of the UK, the State Department says it is “paying more than $2 million per month to provide 24-hour security to former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and another $175,000 for another former top aide.”

The department told Congress in a report that the cost of protecting Pompeo and former Iran envoy Brian Hook between August 2021 and February 2022 amounted to $13.1million, as was reported by the Daily Mail. The report, dated February 14th and marked ‘sensitive but unclassified,’ was obtained by The Associated Press.

Israel National News reported that on Sunday, Israeli opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu  urged world powers to end nuclear negotiations with Iran following an Iranian missile attack on the US consulate in the Iraqi city of Erbil.

In a video posted to his social media accounts and directed at US citizens, Netanyahu said, “The desperate rush to sign this flawed nuclear agreement with Iran is not only absurd, it’s downright dangerous,” according to the INN report.

“Yesterday, Iran fired missiles in the vicinity of the American consulate in Iraq, and the US continues to charge ahead with the other powers to sign a nuclear agreement that will give the Ayatollahs a nuclear arsenal.”

The agreement, Netanyahu continued, “would also relieve sanctions and give them hundreds of billions of dollars in order to continue the terror that they waged yesterday and wage every day throughout the Middle East and the world.”

INN reported that te warned, “This agreement is even worse than its predecessor, because in three years’ time, under this agreement, Iran will be a threshold nuclear state. It will have enough enriched uranium to create dozens and dozens of nuclear bombs, and it will have the ICBMs to deliver them to any place in the United States. That is unbelievable.”

This agreement “endangers not only my country Israel, but your country, the United States and the entire world,” Netanyahu stated.

“We should not let an aggressive rogue terrorist regime like Iran have nuclear weapons. Have we learned nothing?” he concluded.

INN reported that there have been indications recently that a deal between Iran and world powers could be reached within days.

On Monday, the AP reported that Iranian state television said that the IRGC arrested members of a “network” working for Israel that planned to sabotage Iran’s major underground nuclear facility at Fordo.

The television report claimed that the “Zionist regime” — a Tehran reference meaning Israel — has for years been trying to hit Fordo, a top nuclear facility in the country, but without success, according to the AP report. The report did not say how many suspects were arrested, what their nationalities were or when and where the arrests supposedly took place.

There was no immediate comment from Israel.

Left: Then-US President-elect Joe Biden on January 14, 2021, in Wilmington, Delaware (AP Photo/Matt Slocum); Right: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani speaks in a meeting in Tehran, Iran, December 9, 2020. (Iranian Presidency Office via AP)

The AP also reported that Iran has recently stopped the International Atomic Energy Agency from accessing its surveillance camera footage and has resumed enrichment of uranium at Fordo as Tehran’s nuclear deal with world powers fell apart and talks of returning to the deal paused. Iran however, has said it would keep the surveillance footage and hand it over to the IAEA if and when it’s granted sanctions relief.

On Tuesday, the Jewish News Syndicate (JNS.org) reported that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that he has received guarantees from the United States that Western sanctions on Moscow over its Ukraine invasion would not affect cooperation with Iran as part of the framework of a new nuclear deal.

“We received written guarantees. They are included in the text of the agreement itself on the resumption of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action [JCPOA] on the Iranian nuclear program,” Lavrov said, as was reported by AFP.

JNS reported that the statement by Lavrov came in the midst of a meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian in Moscow.Donatebalance of nature>

Amirabdollahian said that “there will be no connection between developments in Ukraine and the Vienna talks,” as was reported by JNS.org.

“If we reach an agreement with the U.S. on remaining issues which relate to some of Iran’s main red lines, based on my talks with Mr. Lavrov today, Russia will remain beside the Islamic Republic of Iran until reaching a good and sustainable agreement, continuing to play the constructive role it has played since the start.”

However, the talks were suspended on Friday and no timetable has been set for their resumption.


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