With crime statistics significantly rising across the nation and President Joe Biden finally acknowledging this increase is linked to the defund-the-police movement that sought to punish all officers for the sins of a few, the last thing this year’s Super Bowl should be doing is hosting halftime entertainment that enforces a negative police message.
Over the past two years, groups like Black Lives Matter (BLM) have unfairly done tremendous damage to law enforcement’s reputation. They have obfuscated the reality that the vast majority of police courageously serve, risking their lives to protect and defend the public. While there may be a few who failed to honor their profession, we need to remember, just like all professions, they reflect a microcosm of society. Thus, we are blessed with the good and cursed with the bad – the former, fortunately, far outnumbering the latter. Ironically, just like there are a few bad police officers, there are bad BLM members as well.
With millions of viewers watching Feb. 13’s Super Bowl, it would be a great time for the National Football League to convey a positive message during the halftime show in support of law enforcement – a message reinforcing the positive contribution law enforcement continues to make despite the dark shadow BLM and others have undeservedly cast over all those who serve. This dark shadow has had two devastating impacts.
First, crime statistics have skyrocketed across the nation, most notably in cities run by the Democrats who quickly enforced police-defunding efforts, giving criminals a new lease on life. Defunding and anti-police campaigns have resulted in numerous officers taking early retirement or quitting. The shortage of law enforcement assets has caused many criminals to fearlessly ply their trade, especially knowing progressive prosecutors will refuse to prosecute many crimes. Additionally, new bail guidelines effectively implement a “catch and release” policy allowing those charged to walk after making nominal bail. Such a policy has resulted in several criminals committing a second crime before they can even be tried for an earlier one. Law-abiding citizens are clearly put at senseless risk due to such campaigns taking their deadly toll.
Second, while police shootings trigger national attention, there is a story the media fail to cover because it is telling about the lawless state of our Union. Not since 1995 have so many police officers been killed in the line of duty in a year’s time than the 73 who were killed during the first year of Joe Biden’s presidency. The damning negativity unfairly focused on all our police officers created an environment in which more law enforcement lives were lost last year than any year in the previous quarter century. Sadly, several of these deaths were intentional as officers were lured into an ambush by shooters feeling emboldened, believing anti-police rhetoric justified their actions. Such ambush attacks on police have increased by 91%.
So, with this background, what does the NFL do? With the harsh realities of anti-police rhetoric starting to sink in with the public, it opts to convey a totally contrary message by whom it invites to entertain at halftime. It could not have reinforced a more negative law enforcement message. Not only did it invite a performer whose previous criminal behavior earned him opportunities to see the inside of a jail cell but one who is infamous for writing gangsta rap songs with vile anti-police lyrics as well. He is just the kind of entertainer a sane parent would not let his kids see.
The halftime performer will be Snoop Dogg, 50, who has been arrested at least seven times for charges ranging from drug possession to murder. And that does not include his being implicated in a rape case, being banned from entering Britain and a denial of entry into Australia. But while he lacks the pedigree to be nominated as a goodwill ambassador for America, Snoop Dogg apparently is viewed by the NFL as being capable of drawing viewers from across the country, despite his history of anti-police songs.
For those unfamiliar with Snoop Dogg or his “work,” the following lyrics from his song “Police ” provide some insight:
All you niggas out there,
Take your guns that you using to shoot each other
And start shooting these b–ch-a–
mother-f–king police.
That’ll impress a mother-f–king nigga like me.
Not satisfied to target the police alone, he also reserves lyrics for blacks cooperating with them to solve a crime, such as: “You call the f–king police like a b–ch nigga do.”
We will never know how many police officers have been killed or wounded thanks to the influence by such outrageous lyrics.
Snoop Dogg has not limited the vulgarity of his songs just to attacking the police as he has also targeted women. This is why he should feel at home joined on the halftime stage by two other male rappers rapping similar misogynistic messages – Eminem (“Just Don’t Give a F–k”) and Kendrick (“Bi–ch, Don’t Kill My Vibe”) Lamar. We could not ask for better examples of America’s cultural decline than this line-up.
An anti-police mindset has become a fever caught by liberals of all ilks – politicians, actors and, sadly, some of those responsible for educating our children. The White House has given the nonprofit foundation of George Soros $164 million to help criminal migrants fight convictions. Actress Susan Sarandon mocked the deaths of two young NYPD police officers killed in the line of duty. A teacher ridiculed a student for wearing a pro-police face mask, making him remove it.
Snoop Dogg said that his selection to perform at the Super Bowl in his home state of California is a “dream come true.” Sadly, as he performs on the West Coast, the graves on the East Coast of those two NYPD officers killed answering a domestic violence call will still be warm. We are only left to wonder if it was Snoop Dogg’s anti-police rhetoric that contributed to putting them there.
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