
POLL: 59% of Democrats Favor Government Confining Unvaccinated Americans to Their Homes, 45% Support Government Facilities for Unvaxed

By HANNAH BLEAU A majority of Democrats would agree with the U.S. government taking more drastic coronavirus measures, such as confining unvaccinated Americans to their homes “at all times except for emergencies,” a Rasmussen Reports survey revealed.

The survey listed(LINK) a series of potential coronavirus-related actions, gauging(LINK)support for a series of penalties, including fines, stay at home orders, and designated facilities for the unvaccinated and critics of the vaccines.

“Would you strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose or strongly oppose a proposal to limit the spread of the coronavirus by having federal or state governments require that citizens remain confined to their homes at all times, except for emergencies, if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine?” the survey asked.

While 61 percent, overall, reject that scenario, the survey found 59 percent of Democrats favor the government requiring unvaccinated individuals to stay at home “at all times” with exceptions only for emergencies. Of those, 35 percent of Democrats “strongly” favor that proposal. Another 55 percent of Democrats said they favor the government fining unvaccinated Americans, while 45 percent said they would favor a proposal to limit the spread of the coronavirus “by having federal or state governments require that citizens temporarily live in designated facilities or locations if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine.”

Respondents were also asked if they support or oppose a proposal for federal or state governments “to fine or imprison individuals who publicly question the efficacy of the existing COVID-19 vaccines on social media, television, radio, or in online or digital publications.” While the vast majority of Americans, 67 percent, said they opposed such a proposal, Democrats remain split, with 48 percent supporting fining vaccine critics and 46 opposing.

Democrats are also split on the idea of the government requiring unvaccinated individuals to use a smart phone app or “wearable device” that tracks unvaccinated people to “ensure that they are quarantined or socially distancing from others,” 47 percent favoring and 46 percent opposing.

The survey, taken January 5, 2022, among 1,016 likely voters, has a margin of error of +/- 3 percent. It comes as blue areas continue to reintroduce coronavirus restrictions on the American people, even though last week the Supreme Court struck down one of President Biden’s vaccine mandates, which would have affected over 84 million workers.(Breitbart)

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