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New Jersey Election Worker Give Ballot to Non-Citizen: WATCH VIDEO

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Bob Unruh(WND NEWSCENTER) Vote-counting antics that skirt – or break – the law appear to have picked up in this year’s voting where they left off in the still-being-reviewed 2020 presidential race.

It is Project Veritas, James O’Keefe’s organization specializing in undercover investigations, that has released a video showing clerks in a polling location in left-leaning Essex County, New Jersey, allowing a foreigner to fill out a ballot there.

The video shows a conversation between two election workers, where one affirmed to the other that there was no true voter verification at that location during last year’s presidential election.

The suggestion was that a Veritas journalist posing as a non-registered non-citizen be given a ballot.

“Remember, we were allowing anyone to come in,” one worker said.

Another then said, “I’ll let you fill out completely a ballot now. Whether or not it’s going to count, I don’t know,” she said. “Listen, we’ll let you do it.”

Explained Project Veritas, “In a governor’s race that has been called with only about a one percentage point difference separating the candidates, this behavior is at the very least questionable. The voters in New Jersey deserve to know how many locations were allowing such a practice to fester.”

The “voter” had identified himself as an Irish citizen.

Interestingly, a report at The Gateway Pundit charged that New Jersey Democrat Phil Murphy was declared the winner of the race, over Republican Jack Ciattarelli, by a 20,000-vote margin, after “obvious issues were identified overnight where 40,000 ballots were awarded to Murphy in Bergen County after the county was reported as 100% reported.”

During the 2020 presidential race, Joe Biden won multiple states after huge dumps of ballots, sometimes 100,000 or more and sometimes virtually every one for the Democrat, arrived after the counting essentially had reached a conclusion.

Other factors in the 2020 election were that elections officials changed state laws, without permission, to accommodate mail-in ballots that favored Democrats. And Mark Zuckerberg, of the company formerly known as Facebook, now Meta, handed over nearly $420 million to mostly leftist elections officials with instructions to use the money to recruit voters from Democrat-leaning areas. One analysis found that Zuckerberg essentially “bought” the election for Biden.

And, too, there was the concerted effort by both legacy and left-leaning online media to suppress factual reporting about scandals involving Hunter Biden, and possible links between his nefarious international money deals and Joe Biden, just before the election. A Media Research Center survey found had that bias not been present, and the facts about the Bidens been fully reported, President Trump would be serving his second term now.

Multiple reviews of those actions continue even now.

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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.

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