Protests have finally erupted in Israel as it has slowly dawned on people there that the goalposts for vaccine passports keep being shifted by the government.
It is now expected to be announced that at least FOUR vaccinations will be needed to be considered ‘fully vaccinated’ and able to engage in society.
Over the weekend marches took place in the streets of Tel Aviv against the so-called ‘Green Pass’, social media revealed, with next to no media coverage otherwise.
The main theme of the protest was ” we will not be lab rats”, the sentiment was no more booster shots and vaccine passports were reminiscent of Hitler’s Germany.
In the states comparing vaccine passports to “Yellow Stars” is highly charged and frequently one using this analogy, will be considered anti-semitic; however thousands of Jewish Israelis are expressing the same notion.
Protest in Tel Aviv, Israel against govt health pass.
— ?מאק (@beingrealmac) September 26, 2021
HUGE PROTEST ISRAEL TEL AVIV: NO GREEN PASS COVID RESTRICTIONS. Protesters demonstrate against vaccine coercion, green passports in Tel Aviv #NoGreenPass #Manifs25septembre #telaviv #israel #leica #leicaq2
— Dmitri Bluglass (@dbluglass) September 26, 2021
אלפי פעילי ימין צועדים כעת בת”א במחאה נגד ממשלת בנט @KastelMoti
— ערוץ 20 (@arutz20) September 23, 2021