(TJVNEWS.COM) “President Biden gets a mixed job approval rating, with 46 percent of Americans approving and 43 percent disapproving,” reports the pollster. “This compares to a positive 49 — 41 percent job approval in May.”
As John Nolte points out in Breitbart News: In 2020, Quinnipiac had Biden winning Florida by 5; Trump won by 3. In Ohio, they had Biden up by 4; Trump won by 8. In South Carolina, they predicted a tie between Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham and his Democrat opponent; Graham won by 11. Finally, they said Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) would lose re-election by 12; she won by 8.
The polling company historically leans positively towards Democrats
Quinnipiac has Biden upside-down on his handling of the economy by 5 points: 43 percent approve, 48 percent disapprove.
On foreign policy, he’s upside-down by 2 points: 42 percent approve, 44 percent disapprove.
On gun violence, he’s upside down 23 points: 32 percent approve, 55 percent disapprove.
On his handling of the virus, Biden is still above water with 53 percent approval and 40 percent disapproval, but this is a steep decline from the 65 – 30 number he enjoyed in May.