John Nolte
In the daily Rasmussen poll, His Fraudulency Joe Biden’s job approval rating took a real dive overnight. What had been a fairly respectable (but falling) 46 percent approval, 53 percent disapproval rating on Monday is now a 44 percent approval, 55 percent disapproval rating.
In one night, the sociopath Joe Biden lost a net four points, and there is nothing — and I mean nothing — on the horizon that will turn this catastrophe around.
Things are even more dire for Slow Joe in the latest USA Today poll, where his approval swan-dived to just 41 percent, while 55 percent disapprove. In worse news for His Fraudulency, only half “approved of his handling of the pandemic, 39% of his handling of the economy, 26% of his handling of the Afghan withdrawal.”
The Rasmussen gap in Biden’s strong approval and strong disapproval rating is also something else. In May, only 33 percent strongly disapproved of Joe Biden, while 29 percent strongly approved — a gap of just -4 points. Today, a near majority of 47 percent strongly disapprove, while only 26 percent strongly approve, a -21 point gap.
Everything’s going to shit under Biden. The fascist and anti-science coronavirus lunacy, the economy, our southern border, inflation, violent crime… And now, because he’s a doddering old fool who never should’ve been allowed to run for president, Islamic terrorists, our mortal enemies, the Taliban, are in total control of his presidency.
Because Slow Joe wanted the political victory of pulling out of Afghanistan close to the 20th anniversary of 9/11, he ignored Trump’s May 1 withdrawal date. Instead, he chose August, which will go down in history as the greatest unforced foreign policy blunder ever.
Biden not only withdrew our troops before withdrawing tens of thousands of Americans and billions of dollars in operational war equipment, he also withdrew and went on vacation knowing the Taliban were an imminent threat.
What’s more, had he withdrawn on May 1, that’s when the Taliban aren’t a fighting force. The Taliban have a fighting season: Summer. They are scattered around the country with their families during the winter and spring, waiting out the frigid weather or in the poppy fields. So, a May 1 withdrawal would have looked very different from a late August withdrawal, believe me.
And now our mortal enemies hold the fate of Biden’s presidency in their own hands. So, there is only upside for them to stretch out this agonizing withdrawal for as long as possible.
Meanwhile, our economy will never improve because lunatics like Dr. Fauci are allowed to run around like the vaccine doesn’t work. Because the government won’t stop spending, inflation will get worse. Because Joe Biden wants to replace legal Americans with more compliant illegals, our border will always be swarmed. Because Joe Biden doesn’t want Trump to get credit for his historic peace deals in the Middle East or take advantage of our own natural resources, gas prices will continue to increase.
With a 44 percent approval, 55 percent disapproval rating, Biden has just hit the red line of a legitimate political catastrophe, a totally avoidable one he created for himself. And God help him if Americans start dying in Afghanistan. God help us all.
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