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B’nai Brith Canada pens letter calling on grocery stores to drop Ben & Jerry’s

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(Arutz Sheva) The boycott of Judea and Samaria by Ben & Jerry’s has led B’nai Brith Canada to draft a letter asking concerned Canadian consumers to join with them in calling on major Canadian grocery chains to stop stocking Ben & Jerry’s ice cream.

“By unfairly singling out Israel with their discriminatory boycott, Ben & Jerry’s have made their products unpalatable to many Canadian consumers while opening their corporate brand to international criticism,” B’nai Brith said in a statement.

They noted that the company has not signalled its intent to enact similar measures in other disputed regions such as Northern Cyprus or Crimea.

Concerned Canadians have approached B’nai Brith with questions about how they can take a stand against Ben & Jerry’s, said the organization. In response, they produced the letter that Canadians can sign.

“Canada’s Jewish community stands with Israel,” said B’nai Brith Canada CEO Michael Mostyn. “It’s not just the ice cream lovers who don’t appreciate their summer dessert becoming unfairly politicized.”

Mostyn added, “We encourage all consumers of good conscience to vote with their wallets, and let major grocery retailers understand that Ben & Jerry’s is no longer a brand we want to see on Canadian store shelves.”

B’nai Brith’s letter – written in English and French – is addressed to major Canadian grocery chains. It asks them to immediate remove Ben & Jerrys products from their stores.

“While Ben & Jerry’s claim that they are simply opposed to certain Israeli government policies, their position is indefensible and their apparent pre-judgements relating to a complex, historical situation should be inconsistent with your company’s values. Many companies and governmental jurisdictions throughout the world have begun to drop Ben & Jerry’s products or to apply other appropriate sanctions. I encourage you to join them,” reads the letter.

It concludes, “As a local Canadian consumer, I believe that you should no longer sell Ben & Jerry’s products. Customers like myself will be more than happy to buy other, non-discriminatory, ice cream brands and Ben & Jerry’s will not be missed at your store. I certainly do not want to see it there.”

This week American franchisees behind 30 Ben & Jerry’s franchises penned a letter to Ben & Jerry’s stating their displeasure with the company’s decision.

“Those who feel so strongly about Israel that they want to boycott it or some part of the territory it administers are free to do so. They cannot, however, do that at our expense,” they wrote.

They noted that their families and communities “have shamed us personally for doing business not just with a company that draws controversy, but with one that continues to consider the calculated negative affect on its franchisees as acceptable collateral damage.”

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