Surreal scene of two woman and a four-year-old shot in Times Square this afternoon. Both victims expected to survive.
By Gary Tilzer
It was not the press or the scripted public relations lobbyists writing talking points for those who want to be the next mayor of NYC, that will force them to debate their solutions to the city’s rising shooting crisis. It will be the Two Women and A Child Shot in Times Square this afternoon.
Three innocent bystanders shot during argument in Times Square. The gunfire erupted just before 5 p.m. at West 44th Street and Seventh Avenue, seven shots fired. A 23-year-old woman was struck in the right thigh; a 43-year-old woman was hit in the left foot; and a 4-year-old girl was hit in the left leg, law enforcement sources said. Streets around Times Square were closed to traffic amid the chaotic aftermath. The NY Post reported, Sakho Khadim described hearing two shots — and seeing a toddler covered in blood. “The cops grabbed the baby and put him in the ambulance,” Khadim said. “The (woman) was crying. She said, ‘I’m good. “The three victims were rushed to Bellevue Hospital in stable condition, the sources said. Streets around Times Square were closed to traffic, according to reports. All three are expected to survive.”
The Public Will Demand the Mayoral Candidate Debate How They Would Fight Rising Crime This Week
Wokeness Like McCarthyism Scare Candidates and Media to Discuss the Many Issues, Like the City’s Rising Crime Rate.
“It is simply staggering to witness skyrocketing shootings, record retirement of NYC police officers (over 75% increase), along with serious problem recruiting new officers, yet candidates for Mayor are terrified to discuss this as if this is 3rd rail. Yet polls conclude that ordinary New Yorkers are worried crime. NYC shootings spike nearly 200% this week compared to same time last year.” Sal Albanese
It is staggering the lack of influence the press has had on the mayoral candidates who have avoided the city’s rise in shootings. Lis Smith who the times says is forming a PAC for Yang said on Twitter today, “The death of local press is not overstated.”
Adams Out Front on Fighting Crime
Mr. Adams says proposals like restore the plainclothes anti-crime unit showed a responsiveness to the city’s most needy residents, including some Black neighborhoods suffering the brunt of violent crime.
Anyone who doubts that Public Safety is not a top priority for New Yorkers needs to observe the climb of Eric Adams in the polls, with his tough on crime platform. He is the only candidate explicitly stating he will restore the plainclothes anti-crime unit that was disbanded by the police department last year. On Saturday, the Times publish an article focused on Adam’s positives and negatives by Astead W. Herndon, that emphasized that Adams would refashion the plainclothes unit which were involved in many of the NYPD’s shooting to focus on getting guns off the streets. Mr. Adams says proposals like these showed a responsiveness to the city’s most needy residents, including some Black neighborhoods suffering the brunt of violent crime. As far back as April 23rd Politico wrote, “An armed New York Mayor? Adams plans to ride an anti-crime message to City Hall.”
Yang has Become Beyond “Woke” on the Crime Issue
Yang addressed a crowd at the very liberal St Ann’s Church in Brooklyn Heights before the Times Square shooting about the rising gun violence — especially in poor neighborhoods — and calls for police to go into high-crime neighborhoods to seize illegal guns. First audience question at St. Ann’s is: Will you put more cops on the streets? Yang says he would prefer to get clearance rates up with the existing force, but he is open to it if he thinks it is what is needed to reduce violent crime. More proof that Yang has become beyond “Woke” on the crime issue. There is no recovery if New Yorkers are not safe. Evelyn and I are praying for the victims of this senseless crime. This must end. Thank you, NYPD, for your swift response.