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Sunday, October 27, 2024

Model Bella Hadid Marches with Pro-Hamas Demonstrators in Bay Ridge

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By: Jared Evan

Following a violent protest in Bryant Park in NYC earlier last week, where Pro- Palestinian protestors, aggressively clashed with police and jumped several Orthodox Jews, and another aggressive and intense protest outside the Israeli consulate in Manhattan on 2nd Ave, the anti-Israel sentiment continues to flourish in NYC, following the events in Israel; and a protest in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, was the largest event yet, even drawing famous Palestinian model Bella Hadid.

On Saturday afternoon a large Pro Palestinian protest was held on 5th Ave, blocking traffic for several blocks. Alarmingly, many of the protestors were not of Middle Eastern origin and appeared to be regular New Yorkers, displaying how Hamas propaganda has seeped into the general population, including New York City’s young, liberal populace.

Meanwhile, Bella Hadid flashed a peace sign and waved as the crowd chanted, slogans such as “Free, free Palestine” and “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”, the later is literally a call for war and total extermination of Jews in Israel. The participants also chanted “we don’t want a two state”. This seems totally inappropriate for a world-renowned model, who’s father is a famous and wealthy real estate developer and a fair-minded man of peace.

Hadid’s father, Mohamed Anwar Hadid, is a Palestinian born in Nazareth in November 1948 to a Muslim family, with his family, he fled Palestine during the 1948 Palestinian exodus (Nakba). In 2015, Hadid said that “We became refugees to Syria, and we lost our home to a Jewish family that we sheltered… Strange thing. That I and my family would do it again” Today, he is a dual citizen of Jordan and The United States and is worth $200 million. Hadid also at one time went to a teacher’s college in Jerusalem.

Bella before the protest, made an emotional post on Instagram in support of her father’s homeland, including an image of tears streaming down her face.

“You cannot allow yourself to be desensitized to watching human life being taken. You just cannot. Palestinian lives are the lives that will help change the world. And they are being taken from us by the second. #FreePalestine,” she wrote.

Strangely, not a word was spoken about the provocateurs of the latest violence in Israel, Hamas, and the Islamic Jihad. One must wonder what her father thinks about Bella attending a protest calling for pushing Jews into the sea.

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