By Theodore Bunker(NEWSMAX)
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday that Broadway theaters will be able to reopen at 100% capacity starting Sept. 14, with tickets to go on sale Thursday, the New York Post reports.
The Broadway League wrote in a statement on Twitter:
“With guidance from Governor Andrew Cuomo, based on current health trends and subject to continuing improvement of public health and vaccination rates, as well as the state’s final approval of each theatre operator’s health and safety protocols, the Broadway League announces that Broadway shows in New York City will resume ticket sales this month for Fall 2021 performances.”
“The shows open Sept. 14,” the governor said during a press conference in Manhattan, CBS New York reported. “That’s a function of how Broadway operates, obviously. They have to have a play to put on.”
The state budget director, Rob Mujica, added vaccine requirements for theater-goers is “not finalized yet,” noting, “but we’re going to keep looking at the numbers, keep looking at how many people are getting vaccinated. In between now and then we’ll be doing pilots for indoor programs and slowly increasing the amount of capacity there.”
Mujica said, “As the governor pointed out, the question is, will people feel comfortable sitting next, right next to another individual, without knowing their vaccination status? And what we do know from surveys is that the answer is no. And they would prefer to know the vaccination status of the person next to them.”
The COVID-19 pandemic forced theaters to close more than a year ago, greatly affecting an industry that accounts for almost 100,000 jobs and about $15 billion for New York City, according to CNBC.