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Friday, March 7, 2025

Letters to the Editor

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New School of Equity Opens

Dear Editor:

I am proud to be the first graduate of the newly opened School of Equity, founded on the principles of Moral Relativism. “The Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction says the focus on finding the right answer is an example of White Supremacy…upholding the idea that there are always right and wrong answers perpetuate objectivity as well as fear of open conflict.” Remember the days when if you were struggling with math, you got tutored with the goal of pushing yourself to achieve the right answers, and in the process, develop inner resources which would serve to help you later in life? What were we thinking? Now, 2 plus 2 can equal whatever the student wants it to be. What a relief! No more silly wrong or right answers! And no more conflict over wrong answers. Now doctors, airline pilots, surgeons, teachers, can graduate from Schools of Equity with no grades, no tests, no entry exams, no shaming over “objective” answers.

Today, a store clerk gave me what she felt was an “equitable amount in change back” for my purchase and if I had a complaint, I could go to the “Office of DNA White Supremacy” for Re-education Training, or to the “Persons of Color Office” to get an instant Reparations Check for the full amount, plus damages for my suffering.

It took some doing but we did it! Everyone is equally smart, equally qualified, equally competent. No one can ever again be fired for incompetence. No student will ever fail any courses again in the Utopia of Equality and Equity, all rolled into one. I confess I just hope they operate on the “right” limb, when I next have surgery. But of course there are no “right” or “wrong” limbs anymore. All are equally up for grabs.

Kyle Jenkins


Celebrating Earth Day All Year Long

Dear Editor:

Let us celebrate Earth Day April 22nd all year long. Besides recycling newspapers, magazines, glass, plastics, old medicines, paints and cleaning materials, there are other actions you can take which will also contribute to a cleaner environment. Leave your car at home. For local trips in the neighborhood, walk or ride a bike.

As more people receive COVID-19 vaccines, for longer travels, consider many public transportation alternatives already available. MTA, NYC Transit subway, bus and Staten Island Railway, MTA Bus (seven former NYCDOT franchised subsidized private bus operators such as Queens Surface, Green Bus, Triboro Coach and Jamaica Bus), Long Island and Metro North Rail Roads, Staten Island Ferry along with other private transportation owners offer various options, such as local and express bus, ferry, jitney, subway and commuter rail services.

Most of these systems are funded with your tax dollars. They use less fuel and move far more people than cars. In many cases, your employer can offer transit checks to help subsidize a portion of the costs. Utilize your investments and reap the benefits. You’ll be supporting a cleaner environment and be less stressed upon arrival at your final destination.

Many employers continue to now allow employees to telecommute and work from home full or part time. Others use alternative work schedules, which afford staff the ability to avoid rush hour gridlock. This saves travel time and can improve mileage per gallon. You could join a car or van pool to share the costs of commuting.

Use a hand powered lawn mower instead of a gasoline or electric one. Rake your leaves instead of using gasoline powered leaf blowers. The amount of pollution created by gasoline powered lawn mowers or leaf blowers will surprise you.

A cleaner environment starts with everyone.

Larry Penner

(Larry Penner is a transportation advocate, historian and writer who previously worked for the Federal Transit Administration Region 2 New York Office) .


Former PA Terror Member Speaks

Dear Editor:

A dramatic letter written by a former terrorist who is running for president of the Palestinian Authority reveals the extent to which the budgets funneled to the PA from Israel and the world fuel death and terror. The time has come for the world to take notice.

Much is said about the huge sums the world pours into the Palestinian Authority and what happens to them after they get there. The reports have prompted a number of European countries to considerably reduce their aid to the PA, and the Trump administration stopped it almost completely. We also hear from time to time from the Palestinian in the street about the corruption in the PA: he is well aware that these monies disappear without improving his life in any way.

A former terrorist who is now a candidate in the upcoming PA presidential elections recently wrote about the PA’s misuse of international aid. His words are addressed mainly to two audiences—the Israeli government and the countries that contribute to the PA:

My name is Muhammad Aref Massad [and I am] from the village of Burqin, Jenin District, Palestine. I was born in 1975. I was recruited to the terror organizations when I was 13, and I fought boldly against the Israeli side, but to my sorrow I discovered that the Palestinian leaders do not want freedom and do not want peace because they profit from the war and destruction in which we are engulfed. The greater the number of fatalities among our people, the more attention they get from the free and good people in the world, and the world gives them large quantities of aid each time the pictures of destruction in our land are published worldwide.

Americans for a Safe Israel

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