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Friday, February 21, 2025

Letters to the Editor

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House Foreign Affairs Revictimizes Holocaust Jews

Dear Editor:

What do you call it when “The Democratic Party-controlled House Foreign Affairs Committee releases a Yom HaShoah statement that omitted reference to the six million Jews killed in the Holocaust and spelled Holocaust with a lowercase H. ‘On Yom HaShoah we commit ourselves to remembering the 6 million lives extinguished during the holocaust & millions more who survived its cruelty.’ Dov Hikind, former Democratic New York State Assemblyman, expressed his outrage……Apparently the Democrat-led House FAC forgot about the fact that 6 MILLION JEWS WERE MURDERED DURING THE HOLOCAUST! ‘Yom HaShoah’ is a JEWISH day of Holocaust remembrance!”

What do you call it when “BDS-backer Ilhan Omar was given a seat on the powerful House Foreign Affairs (by Pelosi), with her history of anti-Semitic tweets, radicalism, and support of Hamas, and absolutely no relevant experience, to appease the growing anti-Israel contingent in her party, only days after she defended the antisemitic smear that Israel ‘hypnotized the world.”

When Jewish history is re-written, erased, maligned, with an anti-Zionist, anti-Jew narrative, often thinly disguised as “progressive” well wishes, what comes next? If the best predictor of the future is the past, it doesn’t take much to conclude the next step is to erase us… entirely. So, to all the Jew Erasers out there, I will remind you this time, we will not go down without a fight. We will take as many of you as we can down with us, if need be. We will honor the JEWS, YES THE JEWISH PEOPLE, who were specifically targeted, murdered, butchered, in the Holocaust, just because they were Jews.

And specifically to the House Foreign Affairs Committee members, Omar especially, I sentence each of you to spend a week in a Holocaust Memorial Museum without food, water or a toilet, to do penance for your moral depravity, for revictimizing the few remaining survivors of the Holocaust and their living offspring, for insulting the living and the dead.

Ginette Weiner


Black Lives Matter on the Defense

Dear Editor:

The following statement is issued by Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation:

“Patrisse Cullors is the Executive Director of Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLMGNF). She serves in this role in a volunteer capacity and does not receive a salary or benefits. Patrisse has received a total of $120,000 since the organization’s inception in 2013, for duties such as serving as spokesperson and engaging in political education work. Patrisse did not receive any compensation after 2019.

To be abundantly clear, as a registered 501c3, BLMGNF cannot and did not commit any organizational resources toward the purchase of personal property by any employee or volunteer. Any insinuation or assertion to the contrary is categorically false.

Patrisse’s work for Black people over the years has made her and others who align with the fight for Black liberation targets of racist violence. The narratives being spread about Patrisse have been generated by right-wing forces intent on reducing the support and influence of a movement that is larger than any one organization. This right-wing offensive not only puts Patrisse, her child and her loved ones in harm’s way, it also continues a tradition of terror by white supremacists against Black activists. All Black activists know the fear these malicious and serious actions are meant to instill: the fear of being silenced, the trauma of being targeted, the torture of feeling one’s family is exposed to danger just for speaking out against unjust systems. We have seen this tactic of terror time and again, but our movement will not be silenced.”

Sean Wherley


The Hypocrisy of Randi Weingarten

Dear Editor:

With each passing day, life as we know it becomes more strange and this week was no exception. When I read the comments of the American Federation of Teachers leader Randi Weingarten who said of the Jews the following I wanted to scrawl under the proverbial school desk and not come out. She said:

“American Jews are now part of the ownership class. Jews were immigrants from somewhere else. And they needed the right to have public education. And they needed power to have enough income and wealth for their families that they could put their kids through college and their kids could do better than they have done. Both economic opportunity through the labor movement and an educational opportunity through public education were key for Jews to go from the working class to the ownership class. What I hear when I hear that question is that those who are in the ownership class now want to take that ladder of opportunity away from those who do not have it.”

Suffice it to say that Ms Weingarten is giving voice to a trending woke ideology whose mission it is to bring Jews down in terms of precisely what they have achieved and their influence in this country. Besides being vehemently anti-Semitic in nature, I think it would behoove us to take a look at the impracticality of her views. If what Weingarten says is true, then Jewish kids are no longer a significant segment of the public school student population.

As she sees it, the “ownership class” are having their kids attend fancy private schools. And if that is the case, why would Jewish parents complain that public school teachers do not want to return to the classroom. The fact is the groups of parents who are clamoring for in-person instruction for their kids are minorities, such as black, Hispanic and so on. It is there parents who are struggling to stay afloat and feed their families; especially during the dark times that we’ve encountered during this nightmarish pandemic.

I wonder why Weingarten hasn’t addressed the needs of these parents? Does it bother her at all that for every day that their kids are not in school that is makes the burden way more difficult for them?

Jonas Adelmeier

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