The Corrupt News Network, known to the world by its copyrighted name of CNN, has finally been exposed for their biased reporting. But you wouldn’t know it by the silence of their media next-of-kin. These closely knit, corrupt manipulators of the news, such as The New York Times, MSNBC, NPR, PBS and the like, didn’t even blink when the truth-seeking group, Project Veritas, released a video this week, of a CNN director admitting the network did what it could to get former President Trump out of office. A PV undercover reporter got CNN Technical Director, Charlie Chester, to say to the camera that without CNN’s obviously biased, slanted, corrupt, false reports, Trump would still be in the White House. “Look what we did, we got trump out!” And, “I came to CNN because I wanted to be a part of that,” Chester said.” From the horse’s mouth we have it. CNN is politically focused, biased and anything you hear from the mouths of the likes of their “reporters” is to be questioned. Highly so. Just look at how CNN has effectively censored the Hunter Biden material and fostered the Russia/Putin/Trump collusion hoax using the deep state intelligence operatives that have been and continue to be out of control.
Years ago, CNN was the first network to give us 24/7 news, non-stop. Insomniacs relied on them for companionship during long, sleepless nights. They were once reliable, interesting and informative. No more. They must change. We don’t like to encourage boycotts. They end up harming and jeopardizing too many innocents. Instead, we’re suggesting that local communication networks that contract with CNN be made aware of viewers’ displeasure with that organization’s bias in reporting and analyzing daily and current breaking events. Let those who actually put money in CNN’s pockets push them to recalibrate their broadcasts to be what we once called, “news stories” and give both sides of controversial issues so that their followers can make decisions based on the truth.
Look at the current lineup of reporters, commentators and analysts at CNN. Chris Cuomo, brother and defender of NY Governor, Andy Cuomo. Van Jones, former Obama staffer and overt Communist. Don Lemon, the low intelligence commentator, who calls all conservatives, “white supremacists.” Or Christiane Amapour, an overt Israel hater who claims Ethiopian Jewish immigrants to Israel face racial discrimination. These biased, Leftist, tormentors of the news must be shown the door and replaced with straight-as-arrow reporters, commentators and analysts for CNN to merit the opportunity to broadcast in our communities. Local networks must straighten the likes of CNN out in order to remove the obvious bias in their daily ‘news” coverage.
Our opening above, relating the collusion of CNN with a political party makes us think back to the 2016 debate, hosted by that channel, between Hillary and Bernie, facing off as Democrat contenders for the Dem presidential nomination. CNN admitted that Donna Brazile, its moderator that night, had tipped off the Clinton campaign about a question to be asked of both candidates. Bad news for fairness, democracy and for CNN viewers. This powerhouse of communications must be channeled to revert back to straight shooting news reporting, but without the use of boycotts. Do it the right way.