By: Phyllis Chesler
Yesterday, I was standing on line, waiting for my second vaccine shot, when I was given a form which asked me to choose among the following:
Am I a woman/girl; a TW—Transgender Woman/Girl; a Transgender Man/Boy—TM; an NB—Non-Binary Person; a GNC—Gender Non-Conforming; Q—Not Sure/Questioning; GNL—Gender Not Listed (write-in); NR—Chose not to Respond. I can also write in my Gender Pronouns.
Pretty confusing if you ask me. Outrageous too.
I was also asked whether I was single, divorced, widowed, married, civil union, separated—legally, Separated, Partner—Life Partner, or U—Unknown.
Pretty nosy if you ask me.
I was then asked about the sex assigned to me at birth: M—Male; F—Female; I—Intersex; SNL—Sexual Orientation not Listed (write-in); or NR—Chose Not to Respond.
No comment.
You ought to see the senior citizens from Bangladesh, India, China, Ecuador, try to puzzle this one out.
Finally, we got to Race. For Race, the Key was, and in this order: AIA—Native American or Alaskan; ASN—Asian; BAA—African-American or Black; NHP—Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander; and next to last—WHT—White; OTH—Other or Multiracial. But one can also choose DECL—Declined.
I always answer: Human, which is a choice never offered. Why not?
Ethnicity was brief. HIS—Hispanic; NHL—Non-Hispanic; UNK—Unknown and DECL—Declined.
Strangely, religion did not seem to be on the form. We were not asked whether we were Jewish—and there were many Jews standing on line. Or Christian, or Muslim or Buddhist, etc. Someone has decided that it is not as important as one’s gender identity.
How quickly the concept of gender identity has invaded our American lives. Here it is on a medical form. And here we are, living at a time when the critiques of thinking this way are swiftly de-platformed—by Amazon, for example, which suddenly removed scholar Ryan Anderson’s book “When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment” from its platform.
Is it a complete coincidence that this is the week that the American Congress is voting on the misnamed “Equality Act” which privileges gender identity over biological sex; and the minority over the majority? The National Organization for Women has just endorsed this Act on behalf of LBTQIA persons and against “discrimination because of (someone’s) sexual orientation or gender identity.”
Not a word about women.
Abigail Shrier’s book “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters,” has just been disappeared from Target.
However, critiques of the gender identity movement are not the only targets of the politically correct. Amazon also just removed “Easy Meat: Inside Britain’s Grooming Gang Scandal” by Peter McLoughlin. Colleagues of mine in the UK have praised this book—and these colleagues have worked with the girl-victims who finally dare to appear in court and who must be protected from the jeering, hostile, threatening families of the child traffickers and supported for their enormous bravery. (Amazon has just re-platformed this title—but not “Allah is Dead: Why Islam Is Not a Religion”.)
Removing these books is tantamount to “book banning” and “book burning.”The Nazis and the Communists traveled this road before us. For a long time now, I have described what I write as “samizdat,” and have referred to an American Gulag. I hope that none of my books are also suddenly smoothly removed and for no given reason. (Israel National News)
Dr. Phyllis Chesler is an Emerita Professor of Psychology and Women’s Studies and the author of twenty books including the best-selling “Women and Madness” (1972), “Woman’s Inhumanity to Woman” (2002, 2009), “An American Bride in Kabul” (2013), “A Family Conspiracy: Honor Killing” (2018), She is a co-founder of the Association for Women in Psychology, the National Women’s Health Network and is the author of four studies about honor killing ( femicide), submits affidavits for women in flight from being honor killed and who are seeking asylum; and is a Senior Fellow at the Investigative Project on Terrorism, and a Fellow at the Middle East Forum, and the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy.
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