White House press secretary Jen Psaki told NBC’s Peter Alexander on Thursday that President Joe Biden “would love to see action” on gun control.
“The President promised to act on day one on this issue, of we know there is only so much he can do by executive action on it,” he said. “Where does this fall on his legislative priorities?”
Psaki responded, “As Vice President, and even before that, the President took on the NRA twice and won. This is an issue he is personally committed to, many in this building are personally committed to, I think he would love to see action on additional gun safety measures to protect families and children.”
Alexander followed by asking when Biden “would he take action and put something before Congress?”
Psaki simply responded she believes there are some proposals before Congress already.
One of the gun control measures before Congress that has gotten a lot of attention is Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s (D-TX) H.R. 127, which would require the licensing and registration of firearms. Her bill would also require an ammunition registration.