The man now known to many as the Hunter Biden laptop repairman tells Newsmax TV he has been unfairly branded a “hacker” and dealt a career “death sentence” for his whistleblowing about the laptop — a piece of tech that Twitter and the mainstream media were determined to downplay amid Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.
“Obviously, being labeled a hacker is a death sentence in my industry,” John Paul Mac Isaac told Wednesday’s “Greg Kelly Reports.” “It’s hard to get the truth out when the truth is being filtered.
“It hasn’t helped my credibility if people hear only one side of the story.”
In a wide-ranging and exclusive interview, a contrite Mac Isaac lamented the damages he endured: for instance, losing his business and facing “anger and hatred” for blowing the whistle about uncomfortable findings on the three laptops his Delaware computer repair business was stuck with.
“I can’t look into the minds of who controls the media,” Mac Isaac told guest host Rob Finnerty about the social and mainstream media smear campaign against him to protect Joe Biden, Hunter’s dad, during the presidential election. Through the campaign between the elder Biden and President Donald Trump, Hunter was accused of peddling access to his dad, the vice president under President Barack Obama, to foreign powers — with Joe alleged to have taken his cut.
The Biden camp has consistently denied such allegations.
“It was never my intention to change anything. I just wanted the truth to be out there. I wanted my story to be told, and I wanted to have some level of protection.”
Instead of protection from the FBI, Mac Isaac got a cold shoulder, if not an outright rejection, he insisted.
Concerned about local exposure and his personal safety, Mac Isaac enlisted his father, a veteran, to take the laptop to the FBI in Albuquerque.
“They told him to get out of their office and to lawyer up,” Mac Isaac said. “My father and I felt a little bit put down, and it took about a month for the FBI to reach back out to my father to get in contact with me.”
Hunter Biden did not pick up the laptops, and once the laptops were delivered to the FBI, Mac Isaac was, he said, told to stall any request to retrieve them.
“One of the FBI agents actually told me that if somebody ever came looking for the device that I was to stall him,” Mac Isaac said. “And the agent was actually very specific onto the method of stalling him and buying them 24 hours for them to return the equipment so that I can return it to the customer, which seemed odd to me at the time.
“How they handled my interaction, when I came to them for security and protection, it wasn’t what I was expecting as a response.”
Mac Isaac said he never expected to be in possession of potentially “criminal” material from the laptop of a son of the former vice president and presidential candidate, now the president-elect.
Nor did he seek to damage Biden’s campaign with the disclosures.
But, when he found “items of a personal nature” – ones he was “not comfortable” discussing on air – he knew he needed to alert the authorities, he said.
“Obviously things got more of a concern when a couple of weeks later his father announced his candidacy,” Mac Isaac told Finnerty. “I got pretty concerned and I felt like there might be criminal material here that needed to be put in the hands of the authorities. So that was what we did.
“I made a copy to give to my father,” he continued. “I wanted my father to approach the FBI. I did not feel comfortable about approaching the FBI in northern Delaware.
“I felt that the data I had seen needed to be in the hands of the authorities and I thought that going through the FBI and the Justice Department was the proper way.”
The fact that the story was largely dismissed by Twitter, Facebook, and the mainstream media as “hacked” and questionable content deeply affected Mac Isaac.
“I felt disappointed that people were not choosing to listen,” Mac Isaac said. “I think it’s a combination of a country that’s so paranoid of being fed misinformation all the time that it was probably hard for people to take it seriously, especially with the climate and other things going on in the world.”
Mac Isaac sued Twitter for $500 million for defamation in calling him a “hacker,” a lawsuit that was was speedily dismissed by a court this week, the same day it was filed, according to Law & Crime.
“The Russian and hacking labeling have definitely had a negative impact on [perceptions of] my character, and my business is destroyed,” Mac Isaac said. “It’s hard in my industry to come back from getting that kind of label.
“One day I’ll be able to look back on this, hopefully, and feel that justice was served and the truth got out there,” he added.
“It’s tough. I’ve lost a lot, a lot of good friends.”
As for future legal action, Mac Isaac said he would just like to get back to what he knows: fixing Mac computers.
“I’ll leave it up to my attorney to answer any additional questions when it comes to the lawsuit,” he concluded. “I’m good at fixing Macs, and he’s good at the legal stuff.”