(INN) Piers Corbyn, brother of former British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, has been distributing leaflets in areas of north London which compare the government’s COVID-19 vaccination program to the Nazi atrocities at Auschwitz, The Jewish Chronicle reports.
According to the report, campaigners representing Corbyn’s “Stop new normal” organization have been circulating leaflets showing an image of the gates of Auschwitz that features a front page headline from the Evening Standard newspaper, “Vaccines Are Safe Path To Freedom”, in the place of the sign at the death camp which read “Arbeit Macht Frei”.
The leaflets say, “Vaccines are usually a gateway to morbidity and mortality. This cynical newspaper headline is in the tradition of the Nazi slogan Arbeit Macht Frei (work sets you free).”
According to The Jewish Chronicle, the leaflet was first promoted on the website of Corbyn’s organization on December 8, along with an attack on COVID-19 vaccines.
Jeremy Corbyn, faced ongoing accusations of anti-Semitism during his time as Labour leader, both over his history of hostility towards Israel and support for anti-Israel terrorist groups, as well as the rise in anti-Jewish rhetoric within the party.
Jeremy Corbyn was suspended from Labour in October following the publication of a report compiled by the Equality and Human Rights Commission which found numerous cases where the party leadership under Corbyn underplayed, belittled or ignored complaints by Jewish members, and sometimes actively interfered to support political allies.
A month later, however, he was reinstated to Labour after appearing to apologize for belittling the report.