(TJVNEWS.COM) Unconfirmed video appears to have captured the moments before and after the Christmas morning explosion in Downtown Nashville. Right before the explosion, a woman can be heard on a loudspeaker, saying, “all buildings in this area must be evacuated now.” She also said: “If you can hear this message, evacuate now.” After the warning, a loud bang could be heard as the camera was blinded by what appears to be the explosion’s bright light.
It is being reported that the warning message was coming from the RV vehicle which allegedly exploited.
Authorities believe the explosion was an “intentional act.” The FBI and ATF are responding.
Fox News reported that a police officer claims he heard a warning message similar to the one captured in this video
According to White House spokesperson Judd Deere, President Trump has been briefed on the explosion in Downtown Nashville and will continue to monitor incoming developments.