By: Ellen Cans
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner were distraught to find their photos with disparaging text on a pair of large billboards in New York City’s Times Square. As reported by the NY Times, on Friday, a lawyer for the couple threatened to take legal action against the Lincoln Project, a group of anti-Trump conservatives who made the scathing billboards, unless the billboards are removed. The lawyer’s letter to the group said the ads were “false, malicious and defamatory” adding that they included “outrageous and shameful libel.” “If these billboard ads are not immediately removed, we will sue you for what will doubtless be enormous compensatory and punitive damages,” wrote attorney Marc Kasowitz in his letter, which the Lincoln Project made public on Twitter.
As per Reuters, the prominent Republican-led group seemed unfazed and vowed in one tweet that the billboard will stay up. “While we truly enjoy living rent free in their heads, their empty threats will not be taken any more seriously than we take Jared and Ivanka,” the group said in another tweet. The group which includes former campaign consultants to President George W. Bush and Senator John McCain opposes Trump’s re-election on Nov. 3, rather endorsing Democratic candidate Joe Biden.
In July, Ivanka Trump released a photo of herself, now one of the billboard ads features her smiling photo but she is gesturing towards text showing the number of coronavirus deaths in New York and nationwide. The other ad is a photo of Kushner smiling next to a quote attributed to him by Vanity Fair magazine, citing an unidentified source: “(New Yorkers) are going to suffer and that’s their problem.”
Kasowitz said “Mr. Kushner never made any such statement” and that “Ms. Trump never made any such gesture.” As per MSN, the quote credited to Mr. Kushner is from a September Vanity Fair article, where an “attendee” at a reported White House meeting in March heard Kushner as he criticized Gov. Andrew Cuomo. The full quote as per the attendee was, “Cuomo didn’t pound the phones hard enough to get PPE for his state…. His people are going to suffer and that’s their problem.”
In another disdainful tweet the Lincoln Project Group said, “Jared and Ivanka have always been entitled, out-of-touch bullies who have never given the slightest indication they have any regard for the American people. We plan on showing them the same level of respect.”]