Australia’s second-biggest city Melbourne began the first day of a six-week total lockdown on Thursday with the closure of most shops and businesses raising new fears of food shortages, as authorities battle a second wave of coronavirus infections, Reuters reported.
Australia has some of the lowest amount of cases in the world, with a population of 25 million, the Continent has seen only , around 20,968 virus cases and under 300 deaths. The newly mandated lockdown in Melbourne, the second largest city in Australia is surreal and something out of a dystopian science fiction movie .
Reuters reported:
After closing its international borders early, locking down cities and launching a campaign of mass virus testing, Australia had reopened in June with daily cases in the single figures.
But hidden transmissions among staff at quarantine centers led to wider community transmissions in Victoria, which has recorded triple-digit new cases for weeks.
Victoria now has the bulk of Australia’s infections, with more than 13,000 reported cases. It reported a daily high of 725 new cases and 15 deaths on Wednesday.
Even with these alarming headlines “Second wave” “highest number of deaths in months”, this extremely strict lockdown is now under the spotlight as some of the policies coming out of Melbourne are unbelievable and uncalled fo.
Authorities have a given police new powers to enter people’s homes without a warrant and perform ‘spot checks’ to enforce compliance with new coronavirus lockdown rules.
In addition to an 8pm to 5am curfew, residents can only leave their homes outside those hours to shop for food and essential items, carry out care and caregiving, as well as daily exercise and work. Fines for violating the law can run as high as $5,000 dollars.
It was reported in alternative media outlets that within moments of the new lockdown rules being announced, eyewitnesses said police surrounded residential tower blocks in Melbourne to prevent people from leaving.
In the video below, Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Shane Patton explains how police, “Had to smash the windows of people in cars and pull them out of there so they could provide us their details because they weren’t telling us where they were going, they weren’t adhering to the chief health officer guidelines.”
A video out of Melbourne, Australia shows a woman being pinned to the ground and arrested by police for being outside during lockdown, a confrontation that left her with severe bruising.
The clip shows the woman screaming in pain as three male officers try to handcuff her while kneeling on her body.
The woman is then led away as her daughter, who filmed the incident, is threatened with arrest for not producing her ID.
You can do this in a disarmed country like Australia, Canada or the UK. You could never do this in the United States — at least not in Second Amendment respecting states. Take a good hard look at China-style “public health”.
— Ezra Levant ? (@ezralevant) August 7, 2020