Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden on Wednesday specifically addressed rioters in a statement, condemning “violence and destruction of property,” and calling for the prosecution of “arsonists and anarchists”.
Many leftists, immediately melted down on Twitter. Some of these radicals are prominent members of the media , such as Chris Hayes and Bo Erickson, while LEe Carter is an elected to VA’s 50th House District.
This is where we are in 2020. Arsonist and anarchy is considered a legitimate form of protest.
Chris Hayes works for MSNBC and Bo Erickson works for CBS, mainstream corperate media entries, not some fringe media outlets.
They ignore the “arson” part of Biden’s statement and focus on “anarchists”, and claim it is a legitimate political ideology. There is a ideology known as “anarcho-capitalism”, which does not condone burning down buildings, but is an economic ideology that favors no economic regulations, or taxes. Essentially it as extreme form of libertarianism, and has nothing to do with destruction and violence. Biden is obviously referring to “anarchists” who believe in burning stuff down & destroying everything. ANTIFA are not “anarcho-capitalists”, they are communist based anarchists. We call this kind of word manipulation, intellectual dishonesty .
“anarchist” is not some free-floating category of criminal. It’s perfectly legal to be an anarchist, as protected by the first amendment and it’s a gross violation of the spirit of liberty to imply otherwise.
people’s ideology do not make them criminals.
— Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) July 28, 2020
Full @JoeBiden response calling for “arsonists and anarchists” to be prosecuted for the violence/destruction occurring at some protests. Says Trump is “stoking division and chaos” because “his campaign is failing and he is looking for a political lifeline.”
— Bo Erickson CBS (@BoKnowsNews) July 28, 2020
<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>Joe Biden just issued a statement calling for the arrest of anarchists, simply for BEING anarchists, which is very explicitly not illegal.<br><br>It should also be noted that Biden and Trump have now joined together in openly calling for the political persecution of the same people. <a href=””></a></p>— Lee J. Carter (@carterforva) <a href=””>July 28, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src=”” charset=”utf-8″></script>
<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>We condemn this statement from Joe Biden in which he criminalizes a political ideology that is based on cooperation and mutual care. Anarchists are valued members of our big tent organization. This is a dangerous statement that threatens everyone’s political speech. <a href=””></a></p>— Portland DSA (@PortlandDSA) <a href=””>July 29, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src=”” charset=”utf-8″></script>
no good cops
no bad protesters— New York City Antifa (@NYCAntifa) July 28, 2020