Mayor Bill de Blasio has reportedly assigned no less than 27 cops working in shifts to protect a Black Lives Matter mural outside Trump Tower, according to former police commissioner Bernie Kerik
Note Kerik refers to the mural as “Black Minds Matter”, the mural is obviously for “Black Lives Matter”, however ” Black Minds Matter” is trending on Twitter, and this was probably a posting error where Twitter auto completed Kerik’s post
Just heard that @NYCMayor has 1 & 8 securing the #BlackMindsMatter mural at Trump Tower. That’s one sergeant and eight cops, x 3 tours a day! Violence, shootings, and murder is up in NYC and this clown has three sergeants and 24 cops guarding a mural! If true, #SICKENING
— Bernard B. Kerik (@BernardKerik) July 16, 2020
De Blasio and his wife helped paint the BLM mural on July 9 before it was subsequently vandalized, leading the Mayor to assert, “The Black Lives Matter movement is more than words, and it can’t be undone.”, NY Post reported.
Even before the recent riots, major crime in New York City had soared by 22 per cent thanks to bail reforms that allowed suspects to avoid jail and re-offend, according to NBC News
Last month, it was reported that there had been 38 murders over the last 28 days up until June 14, twice as many as the previous year.
On Monday alone, 18 people were shot in 14 separate incidents. Six NYPD officers were also injured during clashes with protesters on the Brooklyn Bridge on Wednesday, Newxmax pointed out
Here are some social media reactions:
Just heard that @NYCMayor has 1 & 8 securing the #BlackMindsMatter mural at Trump Tower. That’s one sergeant and eight cops, x 3 tours a day! Violence, shootings, and murder is up in NYC and this clown has three sergeants and 24 cops guarding a mural! If true, #SICKENING
— Bernard B. Kerik (@BernardKerik) July 16, 2020
Just heard that @NYCMayor has 1 & 8 securing the #BlackMindsMatter mural at Trump Tower. That’s one sergeant and eight cops, x 3 tours a day! Violence, shootings, and murder is up in NYC and this clown has three sergeants and 24 cops guarding a mural! If true, #SICKENING
— Bernard B. Kerik (@BernardKerik) July 16, 2020