Edited by TJV news
Tehran held an art Exhibit which looks like it came straight from a BLM local chapter or an ANTIFA group.
The exhibit was called ” I Can’t breathe” and focused on ridiculing America, our police, race relations and American-Israeli relations. Middle East Media Research Institute, (MERMI) was able to get a hold of some images and found Iranian Government media reports on this incredibly ironic event.
The irony of a nation that hangs people in public and allows “honor killings” attacking American police is astonishing. Iran oppresses all minorities, sanctions brutally beating women if they dare to uncover their heads, and endorses the execution of people for their sexuality.
Iran recently killed thousands of their own people protesting, around 7000 according to most sources
Below are some images, and a report which aired on Iranian government media
Iran attacking American history on state TV and government social media !!
If you’re dark-skinned walking in the US, you can’t be sure you’ll be alive in the next few minutes. #ICantBreathe #BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/nwR8jeUPpg
— Khamenei TV (@Khamenei_tv) May 27, 2020
Tehran Hosts “I Can’t Breathe” Cartoon Exhibition: America, Trump, Police Depicted with Nazi, KKK Imagery; Star of David Shown Crushing the Neck of a Dove pic.twitter.com/2YEbsfXaHo
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) June 14, 2020