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Rabbi Mantsur Speaks About Stanley Chera, Parashat Emor 5780

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“And you shall take pure olive oil…to kindle an eternal light”
A few words before Shabbat in memory of the 30 days since the passing of my honorable, dear and respected friend, Shlomo ben Yitzchak and Shoshana Chera, known to all as Stanley. He was a dedicated son, a dear husband, a father and grandfather that loved and was loved, a champion of Israel and his fellow Jews, a man who respected all humanity and was respected by all. A charitable and benevolent man who passionately gave from his treasure and time to help others in need. He was a source of light to the world as alluded to in this week’s Parasha “And you shall take pure olive oil…to kindle an eternal light”.

It is incumbent upon us to understand that the true potential of man’s capabilities are measured during the times of hardship which he encounters throughout his life in all aspects, whether personal, business or other worldly matters. His demeanor during such times is the true test of character and capabilities. It is during these times that man must remove himself and emotion from his thought process and look objectively at the challenge at hand. He must completely disconnect his approach to the problem from the present personal discomfort that he has. By looking at his personal difficulties as an outsider through the lens of his mind, removed from any emotion and by giving weight to all sides , both good and bad he can consequentially and coldly come to the right plan of action. Through this approach his success and survival are greater. More so, he will spared from making the wrong decision whose
outcome will further exacerbate his difficult situation.

With the present difficult state of the world, and as we all deal with our personal challenges, I am certain that my dear and beloved friend Stanley Chera (may he rest in peace) who will never be forgotten, a man of special character, who was to my right for over 40 years, a deep thinker and a man of action would concur with the above approach and would go even further to expand on it. MAY HIS SOUL BE BOUND IN THE BUNDLE OF LIFE
To his wife, children, grand and great grandchildren, his family and friends,… my dear friends. In this difficult period I can say without hesitation that my thoughts are with each and every one of you. I pray and hope that you are all in good health and that each of you achieve success in your endeavors. Also the Rabbis and students of “Yeshivat Shuvi Nafshi” constantly stand in prayer for your wel lbeing and tranquility.
Rabbi Azriel Mantsur
(Translators note: Paraphrased as close to the intent of the original message in Hebrew in consultation
with the Rabbi)
Rabbi Azriel Mantsur
Shabbat Shalom

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