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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Store Burglaries Up 75% in NYC as Business Prepare for Possible Civil Unrest

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The NYPD has seen a 75% increase in reports of burglaries of commercial establishments from March 12, when New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio declared a state of emergency, to March 31, police officials said. The NYPD recorded 254 burglaries of businesses during that time period this year compared with 145 for the same period last year, the officials said.

NYC Fox News outlet described the scene:  A growing scene for those who venture out into the streets of Manhattan these days is boarded up storefronts.  From luxury retailers to small bars, establishments that have no idea when they are going to be allowed to reopen are putting up protection over their glass doors and windows.

Mark Caserta, executive director of the Park Slope business improvement district  gave an interesting perspective to the WSJ regarding the trend of business boarding up their storefronts,” It brings up this idea of rioting and collapse of society,” Mr. Caserta said. “This is way too much, and it sends the wrong signal.”

Burglaries have drastically increased while other crimes have dropped. Thus far NYC has not experienced major violnce on the streets, but many  predict things can become worse the longer the shelter-in-place and general shutdowns remain in place.

The biggest  reason business are  concerned : Fox5 pointed out on Thursday, 6,498 uniformed members of the NYPD were on the sick report which accounts for 18% of the Department’s uniformed workforce.  1,354 uniformed members and 169 civilian members have tested positive for the coronavirus.

The increase in commercial burglaries comes as major crimes across the city fell during the pandemic. From March 12 through March 31, major felonies, such as rapes, murders and assaults, fell by nearly 20% when compared with the same period in 2019, dropping to 3,740 such crimes from 4,670 a year earlier.

“We knew with the closing of many stores that we could see an increase and, unfortunately, we are,” said NYPD Chief of Crime Control Strategies Michael LiPetri to the WSJ


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