NEW YORK NOTES from Cuomo Briefing
- New York broke its record for the highest single-day coronavirus death toll for the second consecutive day. Governor Andrew Cuomo announced 779 New Yorkers died of coronavirus yesterday, bringing the state’s total death toll to 6,268.
- New York’s coronavirus death toll of 6.268 is more than double the death toll from the September 11 attacks.
- Cuomo acknowledged that the state’s death toll may be understating the number of coronavirus victims because some people have been dying at home.“I think that’s a very real possibility,” Cuomo said of a potential under-count.The governor said the state is looking at other models to try to incorporate data about at-home deaths because most data points currently come from hospitals.
- The governor directed that all flags in New York State be flown at half-staff.
- Mr. Cuomo said hospitalization figures continued to show the curve of infection flattening in the state. The number of virus patients in hospitals increased 3 percent since Tuesday, in contrast with the typical 25 percent increases of weeks past.
- Some hospitals are releasing more patients than they are admitting.
- “Social distancing is working,” Cuomo said. “It is flattening the curve.”
- “That death toll probably will be this high, or near this high or even higher for the next several days,” Mr. Cuomo said. But he added, “We are flattening the curve, thank God, thank God, thank God.”
- Governor Andrew Cuomo said the state is examining why Latinx and African American New Yorkers are dying of coronavirus at a disproportionately high rate.
- Cuomo noted that many essential workers who cannot work remotely are people of color, putting them at a higher risk of contracting the virus.
- Cuomo pledged to do more coronavirus testing in communities of color to help track the spread of the virus.
- Cuomo was asked whether he would reduce essential services like grocery stores and public transportation as the death toll rsies. “I don’t think we can reduce the essential services,” Cuomo said, arguing it’s impossible to tell people to “eat less” or use fewer prescriptions.
- Cuomo quickly blew off a question from a reporter about Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, who claims that Covid-19 is an oxygen deprivation syndrome as opposed to ARDS, which the Jewish Voice made go viral
QUOTE from Cuomo
“The number of deaths, as a matter of fact, will continue to rise as those hospitalized for a longer period of time pass away,” he explained, calling the bad news of the day “not just bad but terrible.”
“I understand the science of it,” he said. “I understand the facts and the logic of it. But it is still incredibly difficult to deal with.”
- At least 1,939 Americans died of coronavirus yesterday. That is the largest single-day death toll reported by any country since the pandemic began, Guardian reported Overall, nearly 13,000 Americans have died of coronavirus, and health experts have warned this could be the worst week yet for the death toll.
- US intelligence officials were warning of a virus sweeping through the Wuhan region of China as early as November, according to an ABC News report
- Trump said he believed the coronavirus crisis would end “sooner rather than later,” as experts express cautious optimism about the effects social distancing has had on the number of cases. “Once we OPEN UP OUR GREAT COUNTRY, and it will be sooner rather than later, the horror of the Invisible Enemy, except for those that sadly lost a family member or friend, must be quickly forgotten,” Trump wrote in a tweet. “Our Economy will BOOM, perhaps like never before!!!”
- Louisiana has the fourth largest number of Covid-19 cases in the country, and the majority of the Covid-19 deaths are in New Orleans, where black Americans constitute 60% of the population. “Slightly more than 70% of [coronavirus] deaths in Louisiana are African Americans,” the state’s governor, John Bel Edwards, said in a press conference on Monday. “That deserves more attention and we’re going to have to dig into that to see what we can do to slow that down.”
- African Americans face a higher risk of exposure to the virus, mostly on account of concentrating in urban areas and working in essential industries. Only 20% of black workers reported being eligible to work from home, compared with about 30% of their white counterparts, according to the Economic Policy Institute. Experts also point to initial research showing a high prevalence of Covid-19 among those suffering from obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes – risk factors more common among black Americans. The virus is known to take a harsher toll on those with underlying health issues, and many hospitals are only testing those admitted for critical care, Washington Post explained
- A commonly cited model of the US coronavirus crisis now predicts that 60,000 Americans will die of the virus by early August, marking a significant decrease from past projections, Reuters sited.
“The University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation model is one of several that the White House task force has cited. It now projects U.S. deaths at more than 60,000 by Aug. 4, down from the nearly 82,000 fatalities it had forecast on Tuesday. The White House coronavirus task force has previously projected 100,000 to 240,000 Americans could die. The institute also moved up its projected peak in the number to U.S. deaths to this Sunday, when it predicted 2,212 people will succumb to the disease. The revision moves forward the projected peak by four days, suggesting the strain on the country’s healthcare system will begin to abate a little sooner than previously expected.”
- Dr Anthony Facui predicted schools would be able to reopen in the fall, as early evidence indicates that social distancing is having a positive effect on the country’s number of coronavirus cases. “Bottom line is, no absolute prediction, but I think we’re going to be in good shape,” Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, said during the White House briefing yesterday.
- Elizabeth, NJ is using a talking drone following people who are violating social distancing. The city said Tuesday it has started using a fleet of five drones with voice and siren capabilities, on loan from manufacturer DJI, to patrol public areas and warn violators, NBC reported
- A California sheriff warned that people could be fined $1,000 and even jailed for not covering their faces in public. Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco announced the tougher measures after the department lost two deputies to Covid-19.
- Several restaurants and small businesses in the South Bay say they have recently been targeted by thieves trying to take advantage of the COVID-19 shelter-in-place order. “They walked out with kind of the heart of the restaurant as far as the financial aspect of it. It’s your monetary income,” said Dan Holder, owner of Jack Holder’s Restaurant and Bar in San Jose’s Cambrian neighborhood, CBS reported.
- Dr. Fauci suggested, when a vaccine is developed that must then be included on the required list of shots for all children to attend school, Washington Times pointed out
- At least 83,615 people have now died worldwide, according to researchers at Johns Hopkins University. They say at least 1.4 million people have been infected, more than 300,000 of whom have recovered
- The UK suffered its deadliest day since the outbreak began as official figures showed 938 more people had died in hospitals, taking the overall total to 7,097. The true death toll is likely to be significantly higher.
- Italy recorded 542 new deaths, but the rate has slowed slightly. The number of infected people increased by 1,195, or 1.3%. There was also a record day-to-day increase – 2,099 – in the number of people who have survived.
- The state of emergency in Peru has been extended for two more weeks to 26 April, the country’s president Martín Vizcarra has said. He announced the extension, which includes a nationwide quarantine in the world’s second largest copper producer, as it reached 2,954 confirmed cases of the virus and 107 deaths. The first confirmed case in Peru was on 6 March.
- France is to extend its national lockdown for a second time, meaning it will run beyond 15 April, the country’s presidential palace has said. It had earlier said the president of the republic, Emmanuel Macron, will address the nation regarding next Monday evening.
- The number of people who have died in French hospitals has climbed by 8% in a day to at least 7,632, local authorities have said. Confirmed cases: 82,048 (+3,881) Number in hospital: 30,375 (+3,139) Number in i/c: 7,148 (+472 = +17 net) Deaths in hospital: 7,632 (+562)
- In the UK, a Downing Street spokeswoman has said: “The prime minister continues to make steady progress. He remains in intensive care”