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Is The W.H.O. A Puppet of China?

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By Lieba Nesis 
On Sunday April 26th House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy referred to the World Health Organization (WHO) as the “Wuhan Health Organization” a term that has raised the ire of numerous Democrats.  President Trump’s decision to withhold funding of $400 million due to the organization’s pro-China bias, with China contributing a measly $40 million to the WHO’s coffers, was widely condemned by the international community.  A closer look at the WHO reveals that they not only turned a blind eye to the dangers of the virus, but deliberately misled the global community in order to protect their staunchest ally-China.
The biggest villain in this dreadfully misinformed scenario-is WHO director Tedros Adhanom.  A late January meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, who backed Tedros’s campaign in 2017,  led Tedros to declare on January 30th “as you know, I was in China just a few days ago, where I met with President Xi Jinping. I left in absolutely no doubt about China’s commitment to transparency and to protecting the world’s people.”  As for Trump’s Wuhan travel ban, Tedros declared on January 31st, it would have “the effect of increasing fear and stigma with little public health benefit” while repeatedly praising China’s transparency and efforts.  These statements were made nearly a month after heroic doctor Li Wenliang was reprimanded for sharing the news of human-to-human transmission.  Dozens who called out the Chinese government for its deceit disappeared under the tyrannical regime that so inspires Tedros.  When questioned about whistleblower Wenliang’s supposed death from coronavirus in February, Tedros remarked, “it is very difficult, given the facts, to say that China was hiding.”
Examining the incipient stages of the disease reveals a massive Chinese cover-up.  The illness which began at the latest in early November, was only acknowledged by China on December 31st.  On January 9th the WHO advised against the application of any travel or trade restrictions on China.  On January 15th two contradictory messages were delivered by the WHO one which said “there is no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission … and no infections among health care workers.”  However, that same day they acknowledged that a man from Japan who hadn’t visited the wet market where the disease had originated, was hospitalized with the virus-thereby, confirming human-to-human transmission.
This was the beginning of dangerous inconsistencies on the part of the WHO who refused to call the disease a global health emergency at meetings on January 22nd and 23rd. Finally relenting with a public health emergency declaration on January 30th Tedros remarked, “the Chinese Government is to be congratulated for the extraordinary measures it has taken to contain the outbreak.”  Tedros waited until March 11th, when more than 118,000 cases had been reported in more than 114 countries to label the disease a pandemic-fearing that up until that point the disease had not yet inflicted enough severe out of control damage to warrant the term.  As late as February 14th Tedros was busy in the Congo discussing the end of the Ebola virus while the world was in major crisis mode due to the exploding virus.  Tedros appeared via video and urged the public to unite with solidarity instead of stigma and again praised China.
One of the staunchest proponents of the Chinese propaganda machine is Dr. Bruce Aylward who co-led the WHO China Joint Coronavirus Mission to Wuhan in February-which had 12 Chinese members as part of the 25-person delegation.  As Assistant Director General of the WHO, Aylward returned from his February trip to Wuhan remarking that the big message from China was that lock down of cities was unnecessary-the exact opposite of China’s actions.   He also allowed Chinese personnel to change his original report which termed the disease a “dangerous pathogen” to  the more benign “new pathogen”.  His partiality towards China was further exposed when he hung up on a Hong Kong reporter who asked if Chinese nemesis, Taiwan, would be allowed membership in the WHO.  His response to a question on February 24th as to whether China censored early data was “I didn’t look.” Finally as late as March 12th Aylward declared in an interview, “travel bans generally aren’t part of the armamentarium you bring to bear on something like this…  What we found as a general principle, a pretty robust principle-is that it doesn’t help to restrict movement.”  The incomprehensibility of this statement after the disease had wreaked global havoc due to porous borders, underlines the organization’s one-sidedness.  The distorted WHO should not only be defunded but declared defunct before thousands more die due to their rampant pro-Chinese bias.

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