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New York
Friday, July 5, 2024

Investigative Reporters Speak to NYC Funeral Directors who Claim COVID is Over Counted on Death Certificates

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Project Veritas today released a video featuring conversations with funeral home directors and their staff throughout New York City questioning the number of deaths officially attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Project Veritas is a controversial non profit investigative team that became famous during the Obama era for looking into ACORN (voter registration  non profit) and suspicious activities they advocated for. Critics on the left instantly attacked and claimed the videos were edited.  They also reported on planned parenthood in depth, and are known for using undercover reporters posing as characters to get officials to admit to wrongdoings on camera.  Project Veritas has been repeatedly attacked and attempts to discredit them have been a major goal of left wing activists.

Before posting this video, I researched the name of every funeral director in this video. Every person in this video is a real individual.  They firmly believe COVID-19 is being used too frequently on the death certificates.

One of the funeral directors claims in his opinion : ” “Whether they had a positive test or didn’t, so I think again this is my personal opinion, I think like the mayor and our city–they’re looking for federal funding and the more they put COVID on the death certificate the more they can ask from the federal funds.”

““I think it’s political, so, I’m going to turn around and say: ‘You know, like, not everybody
that we have here that has COVID on the death certificate died of COVID.’ Can I prove that? No, but that is my suspicion.”

Watch this explosive video and decide for yourself.

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