We are all under the thumb of our elected officials, whom, in good faith we put in office hoping they would have the common sense leadership abilities to make the necessary decisions that affect our lives. Michiganders, those residents of the Mitten State, have not lucked out with their first term governor, Gretchen Whitmer, who many of her constituents now call, “Insane!” She started off with the rational decision to fight the Chinese virus outbreak by extending the “Stay at home” policy. However, to the dismay of many, she included for some strange reason, the prohibition on lawn mowing, the sale of seeds and other garden supplies at a time when vegetable gardens needed to be planted and lawns seeded, fertilized and tended. Big Box stores were ordered to rope off and close their garden centers and paint supply sections to fulfill her demands. In this crisis with unemployment booming, she has also closed down lawn landscaping and lawn cutting services. She has prohibited her state’s residents from having these safe, necessary chores done that don’t include mingling in clusters with others. With time on their hands, wouldn’t it be logical for people to go out and immerse themselves creatively and productively with gardening and planting to put food on the table? How better to spend one’s time out of doors doing physical chores rather than just sitting in front of the boob-tube?
When residents of her state are forced to remain secluded on their properties, with little to do, time on their hands and the necessary chores of maintaining their homes and properties, the order to cease and desist of growing vegetables, fruits for their tables, painting their homes both inside and out seems to indicate just how much out of touch she is with the reality of governing. Governor Whitmer also included in her rulings a strict prohibition on “not necessary” travel, which ominously means that Michiganders are forbidden even to visit their own private vacation cottages located upstate. However, out of staters with such vacation homes in Michigan are permitted to drive to their cottages. Seemingly a deranged directive from Whitmer. However, she has deemed the sale of the state’s Lottery tickets and marijuana as legitimate enterprises and their sales are booming while the simple, age old spring and summer chores of gardening, lawn mowing house touch up painting are now viewed as criminal by Whitmer. As a result of her actions a petition to recall her had nearly 150,000 signatures by this past Sunday, and a Facebook group, “Michiganders Against Excessive Quarantine,” signed up and additional quarter -million members in a matter of days. We hope and pray that the citizens of Michigan use their heads in the next election to show that Democracy works.

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