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Here is the latest information from New York, Around the country and around the world
Cuomo Press conference
- New York has confirmed 83,712 cases of coronavirus, marking an increase of 7,917 since yesterday, New York governor Andrew Cuomo announced. The virus has now claimed 1,941 lives in New York state, up from 1,550 yesterday
- New York governor Andrew Cuomosaid the coronavirus crisis is expected to hit its peak in the state at the end of April.
- Cuomo said the timing of the apex of the crisis would depend upon how well New Yorkers respected social distancing guidelines. New York governor Andrew Cuomonoted there are several different projections on when the state will hit the peak of this crisis. Some projections say the apex of the crisis will come in seven days, and others say it will come in six weeks. The model Cuomo has cited is a moderate projection, predicting the apex will come in late April.
- If America sees 100,000 deaths in the coronavirus pandemic, projections show New York could lose 16,000 of its residents, governor Andrew Cuomosaid.
- “Look at us today, see yourself tomorrow,” Cuomo said of Americans living in other states.
- New York governor Andrew Cuomoannounced New York City playgrounds would be closed due to lack of compliance to social distancing guidelines. “Compliance is still not where it should be,” Cuomo said. Officials had hoped to keep the playgrounds open, but it became untenable, the governor said.
- Cuomosaid he thought Americans would be living with the consequences of the pandemic for a long time to come. “I don’t think we get back to normal,” Cuomo said. “I think we get to a new normal.”
- Cuomosaid his brother, CNN host Chris Cuomo, is doing well after being diagnosed with coronavirus.
New York News
- More than 1,400 NYPD employees, including more than 1,000 officers, have contracted COVID-19 as emergency calls in the city hit record highs, CNBC reported. 6,100 uniformed officers, or about 17% of the 36,000-strong workforce, called out sick Wednesday, Police Chief Terence Monahan said.
- 1 in 5 hospitalizations are occurring in people under age 44, according to data released by the city’s health department
- NYC released a map showing coronavirus cases via zipcode
- One thousand nurses have been added to the city’s hospital system, with more to come in the next few weeks. Meanwhile, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has deployed 250 more ambulances to New York City to deal with a record number of 911 calls, Guardian reported.
National News
- US statistics 211,408 cases, 4,718 deaths
- Surgeon general Jerome Adams told ABC News “We’ve learned there’s a fair amount of asymptomatic spread, and so we’ve asked the CDC to take another look at whether or not having more people wear masks will prevent transmission of the disease to other people.” Reversing their previous stance of using masks in fear of a shortage due to hoarding .
- Govorner DeSantis has issued a “stay at home” order for South Florida, but he has expressed concerns about how a statewide order would affect the economy. DeSantis has also noted that the federal government has not explicitly told governors to issue statewide orders
- Maryland governor Larry Hogan announced Monday that he was issuing a statewide “stay at home” order to mitigate the spread of the virus. Hogan warned the number of cases in the Washington metropolitan area had more than quadrupled over the previous week, predicting the region would be part of the “next wave of hot spots.”
- The US intelligence community has reportedly concluded that China underreported its numbers of coronavirus cases and deaths, Bloomberg reported.
- Wisconsin will use the Army National Guard to work the polls next week for the state’s presidential primary. The state faces a severe shortage of poll workers for its April 7 election amid the COVID-19 outbreak. The Wisconsin Elections Commission said Tuesday that its own survey showed 111 municipalities throughout the state do not have enough workers to staff even one polling place. Bernie Sanders is calling for the election to be postponed
Global News
- According to data collected by researchers at Johns Hopkins University, 887,067 people around the world have become infected, 44,264 of whom have died. They also count 185,541 people who have recovered.
- More than 4,000 people have now died in France, local authorities say; making it the fourth country to pass the threshold, following Italy, Spain and the United States.
- The UK government has confirmed hundreds more deaths in hospitals, taking the total to 2,352; the youngest was aged just 13
- International Monetary Fund officials say the pandemic is putting major strains on emerging market economies, but they are confident the Fund has sufficient resources to meet their needs.International Monetary Fund officials say the pandemic is putting major strains on emerging market economies, but they are confident the Fund has sufficient resources to meet their needs.
- Israel has taken stringent measures to try to halt the spread of the virus, after recording more than 6,000 cases. At least 25 Israelis have died of Covid-19, according to Israeli health ministry data
- The UK’s Ministry of Defense is calling up about 3,000 reservists to help with its pandemic response. That brings the number of armed forces personnel helping manage the crisis to about 23,000
- Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director of the WHO, has said he was “deeply concerned about the rapid escalation and global spread of infection”. “Over the past five weeks, we have witnessed a near exponential growth in the number of new cases reaching almost every country, territory and area,” he said. “The number of deaths has more than doubled in the past week. In the next few days, we will reach one million confirmed cases and 50,000 deaths.”
- Unemployment in Austria has jumped by 66% to the highest level since records began in 1946, despite a government bid to avoid mass lay-offs.
- Another 727 people have died in Italy, taking the total to 13,155. That represents the smallest increase since 26 March. Nevertheless, figures from the Civil Protection Agency show that the number of new cases rose more sharply than a few days earlier, growing by 4,782 compared with 4,053.
- Spain has crossed the threshold of 100,000 confirmed cases, health officials have said. According to official figures, it has had more cases than any country except Italy and the US. Spain also reached a record single-day death toll between Tuesday and Wednesday, with a total of 864 deaths. The country has logged 102,136 cases of the virus and 9,053 deaths