Supporters of Rabbi Chaim Mertz, who reportedly died from the coronavirus, gathered Tuesday evening to mourn the passing of the religious leader, flouting the social distancing guidelines put forth by both state and city municipalities.
A social media figure posted the images to twitter, resulting in Mayor de Blasio responding
Tipster says this is the Williamsburg funeral today of Rabbi Chaim Mertz who died from COVID-19
— Reuven Blau (@ReuvenBlau) April 29, 2020
Deblasio shot out two tweets, first he stated “Something absolutely unacceptable happened in Williamsburg tonite: a large funeral gathering in the middle of this pandemic. When I heard, I went there myself to ensure the crowd was dispersed. And what I saw WILL NOT be tolerated so long as we are fighting the Coronavirus”
The second tweet drew blowback: ” My message to the Jewish community, and all communities, is this simple: the time for warnings has passed. I have instructed the NYPD to proceed immediately to summons or even arrest those who gather in large groups. This is about stopping this disease and saving lives. Period.”
The internet has responded to de Blasio’s threats and he set off anger and condemnation from all sides.
The ADL responded:
Hey @NYCMayor, there are 1mil+ Jewish people in #NYC. The few who don’t social distance should be called out — but generalizing against the whole population is outrageous especially when so many are scapegoating Jews. This erodes the very unity our city needs now more than ever.
— Jonathan Greenblatt (@JGreenblattADL) April 29, 2020
Councilman Yeger responded:
Mr. Mayor, your words are unacceptable. To condemn our entire community over one group of people is something you would not do to any other ethnic group, and I know you long enough to know that you know this.
— Kalman Yeger ונשמרתם מאד לנפשותיכם (@KalmanYeger) April 29, 2020
He received criticism from his fellow left wing travelers
Really? Are we gonna call out blacks next? @NYCMayor needs to chill. There is enough anti-semitism and xenophobia and racism already being stoked up by the fear this virus has brought. Shameful for a progressive mayor to add to it.
— Michael Novogratz (@novogratz) April 29, 2020
Some comments were unfiltered and quite angry
You lowlife cretinous bobblehead. There’s only one community you would address this way. And it’s the one that just went through a pogrom on your watch, as you let it happen.
The Jewish people will survive your term in office, despite your best efforts. Am Yisrael chai.
— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) April 29, 2020
Going after Jewish people doesn’t erase your failure to order supplies until a week into March or failure to help nursing homes transfer coronavirus patients to Javits or Comfort.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) April 29, 2020
Should people call the cops directly if they see a group of Jews or do you have a special unit assigned to take care of your Jewish problem?
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) April 29, 2020
The NYPD hates you though. They’re not going to round up Jews for you, Red Bill.
— Jordan Schachtel (@JordanSchachtel) April 29, 2020
You’re an awful human being. And for the record I was ahead of the curve on it. Also, my sister and her family just moved out of what was once the greatest city in the world. Mazel tov. (Thats Jew talk.)
— Dave Rubin (@RubinReport) April 29, 2020
This is just a small sample of the reactions to de Blasio’s threats, the mayor had to address it this morning
Here is an exclusive video of the funeral which started this entire controversy