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Why is the U.S. Holocaust Museum Publishing an Attack on the Jewish Nat’l Fund??

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By: Moshe Phillips

The official journal of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum has published an article depicting the Jewish National Fund as a colonialist exploiter of the Palestinian Arabs. Is this an appropriate way for a federally-funded museum that is mandated to teach about the Nazi genocide against the Jewish people to be using taxpayers’ dollars?

The article was authored by Amy Weiss, a young Holocaust scholar from New Jersey. It appears in the latest issue (Fall 2019) of Holocaust and Genocide Studies, the museum’s official journal, which is edited by Richard D. Breitman.

Weiss accuses the JNF of secretly plotting in the 1930s to plant more pine trees, and fewer olive trees, in its forests, thereby “alter[ing] a Palestinian landscape to resemble a European one more familiar to Jewish pioneers and Holocaust survivors.”

According to Weiss, the JNF continued this European-colonialist conspiracy after the 1948 war. “Erecting JNF forests where Palestinian villages and olive groves once stood promised to erase the connection to that land of the former resides who had fled or been expelled.”

A French-Jewish man reads the names on the list during a Jewish National Fund ceremony in memory of the 80,000 Jews who were deported from France during the Holocaust at the Roglit Forest on March 15, 2005 near Beit Shemesh in central Israel. The French Prime Minster, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, is also in Israel for the opening of the new museum at Jerusalem?s Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial. (Photo by Uriel Sinai/Getty Images)

The hook for Weiss’s article is an obscure episode from the 1940s in which some American Christians planted a small forest in Israel to commemorate child victims of the Holocaust. But the story of that forest is not what Weiss wanted to bring attention to; Weiss concentrates her firepower on depicting the JNF and its forestry work in as negative a light as possible.

Weiss mocks the JNF’s claim that its work was reviving the Land of Israel. She calls it “the myth of ‘making the desert bloom’,” and dismisses the centuries of Arab neglect of the land as the “purported languishing” of the land under Arab rule. According to Weiss, Zionist leaders concocted this “environmental degradation narrative” in order to “justify” the JNF’s land-grab policy.

“While publicly speaking of environmental improvement and jobs, in actuality [the JNF] strove for Jewish colonization,” Weiss asserts, suggesting the JNF was disingenuously advancing a secret and sinister agenda.

After the 1948 war, the JNF’s colonialist conspiracy continued, according to Weiss: “JNF pine trees figured in the planting over of ‘abandoned’ Arab villages…”

Notice the quotation marks that she put around “abandoned.” Weiss clearly doesn’t believe they were abandoned. In fact, when she refers to Palestinian Arabs who emigrated during the war, she calls them “700,000 people [who] either had been forcibly driven from their homes or voluntarily fled.” Weiss’ wording is apparently intended to create the impression that the number who were expelled and the number who fled was roughly equal.

Yet even Benny Morris—the king of the so-called “New Israeli Historians” that bash Israel’s founding fathers—has acknowledged that the large majority of the Palestinian Arabs chose to flee in order to get out of the way of battle areas. Only a tiny number were expelled, and even those cases were because of specific local wartime emergencies, not as part of any Zionist plot to get rid of the Arabs.

For Amy Weiss, however, the work of the JNF is clothed in sin. It was carrying out what she has described in her lectures as a “politicized land reclamation project to secure land” for the Zionist movement and Israel. It was trying to “erase” Arab villages and replace them with a “European” model. And she alleges that the JNF caused “devastating damage” to the environment, to boot.

In Weiss’s distorted version of history, the Jews are alien, land-grabbing, desecrators of the ecology, while the Palestinian Arabs are the noble indigenous planters of olive trees. “The planting of olive trees consequently became a symbol of struggle for Palestinians,” Weiss asserts. That’s an ironic statement, considering how often Palestinian Arab terrorists set fire to the land for which they are “struggling”; just the November 2016 arson wave alone destroyed nearly 5,000 acres of forests, brush, and open land throughout Israel.

Why did Richard Breitman, the editor of the museum’s Holocaust journal, decide to publish Weiss’s harsh attack on a venerable and respected Jewish institution as JNF? Why did he permit a journal that is supposed to showcase legitimate Holocaust research to be used to present such a twisted version of history?

Do the leaders of the Holocaust Museum endorse Breitman’s action? And if the Museum leaders do not agree with what Breitman did, what are they going to do about it? The public—which funds the Museum through its tax dollars—has a right to some answers.

A version of this article was originally published by The Jewish Press.

Moshe Phillips is national director of Herut North America’s U.S. division; Herut is an international movement for Zionist pride and education and is dedicated to the ideals of pre-World War Two Zionist leader Ze’ev Jabotinsky. Herut’s website is https://herutna.org/

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