
Rallying Against Anti-Semitism in London; Challenging the Hate of Jeremy Corbyn

By: Edward Woolf

SO HERE WE ARE AGAIN. The week before Chanukah when we should be frying latkes, searching for dreidls and polishing menorahs. Perhaps Googling what this particular historic bout of persecution symbolises…once again, in another generation, we must meet, heavy hearted – five minutes from Westminster bridge and ten minutes from London Bridge to protest against the surge of Anti- Semitism. In England, the country of my birth. The Labour Party under JC do not care about the tiny Jewish vote and you all know why. They need the Jewish vote like a sloth needs a duvet. Do not let them make this election campaign about Anti Semitism. It is not. It is a distraction which suits them well because it gives them less air-time to discuss how JC will grow money trees in his allotment! If only – as Mr. Corbyn once helpfully pointed out – we had a sense of irony we might be smiling wryly as we ponder our situation, two days after the world’s most recalcitrant apology from the leader of her Majesty’s Opposition. (The only man in the country to have the Queen’s speech piped into his kitchen four hours before she gives it. ) to find ourselves defending ourselves against mythical crimes in time of economic and political chaos.It could be Judea, York, Spain, Lincoln or Berlin. 

Same old same old… But Mr. Corbyn is an honourable man? The evil that he does is because of his principles, is it not? It is not anti semitic racism in the eyes of this doppelganger party. Because they don’t see A.S as racism. They see it as Anti Capitalism, Anti colonialism, Anti Westernism. Anti American – and this from a leader who has taken the shilling from Iran TV and courted the IRA during the worst of their bombing campaign in Britain. An honourable man who votes against his own party on five hundred issues because of his principles. Although when Labour Party cabinet members vote against him he fires them from the party. A man who doesn’t sing the National Anthem- he may not know the words but can sing the Red Flag. In Spanish. Who doesn’t notice the naked hook nosed bankers were racist stereotypes on a mural – Fair enough he’s a busy man who makes jam and grows a mean runner bean. An honourable man? …a man who would sit on the floor of a train rather than in one of the vacant seats he claims didn’t exist and would lay a wreath at the funerals of terrorists who murdered Israeli athletes. He is a pacifist who admires Chavez and Madouro and Putin but wants to leave U.K. Citizens unprotected by weapons of defence. 

An Internationalist who coyly refuses to reveal his position on the most important issue of the fate of the UK in Europe.. A fiercely loyal – if three times married- man who keeps the innumerate and incoherent Diane Abbot as Home Secretary. Deeply loyal because they shared so much in the past that he can ignore the present. Still they tell us Mr. Corbyn is an honourable man who has fought racism all his life. Who says Anti Semitism is ‘Vile’ but ignores the evidence of it and never formally rebukes the proven perpetrators. A man who publically approves the existence of the State of Israel, but privately calls it apartheid, in spite of the plain evidence to the contrary. The fact that Israel has been defending its borders for seven decades is never mentioned in ‘their’ criticisms, Israelis are always portrayed as the aggressors.(Ask any Arab living with full rights in Israel in freedom whether they’d prefer to live in an Arab state under Sharia law and watch them hasten to the bagel shop on Gay Pride Day. Count the number of Jews allowed to live in any Arab State. 

Publically, the triumvirate of McDonnell, Milne and Corbyn and their obsessed activists want a two state system with reparations for the 7.50,000 Palestinians who lost or sold their barren land in 1948. Privately, they sit with his ‘friends, Hamas and Hezbollah whose unwritten constitution states the Jews should be destroyed and driven into the sea. How come the irony never strikes these Right To Returners that.. 850,000 Indigenous Jews were forced out of Egypt, Iraq, Iran, the Yemen and had their land and businesses confiscated in 1956. 

Jews who had lived there for hundreds of years as opposed to a few decades. Except these Jews didn’t sit in squalor for seventy years turning donated millions into wailing and weaponry. They didn’t wail and blame and fire thousands of rockets from the East End of London and tunnel under Stepney to get their patch of scrubland back which now is verdant and productive. No. As always and ever, Jews put their heads down and their market stalls up, saved and scrimped and brought home the books so their children could study and their children could graduate and give back many fold to the country that gave them shelter from their would be murderers. 

Give back by integrating into the language and culture of this country and supporting the Arts, Local politics, and when allowed by law the City, the media, the educational bodies Medecine and Science- yes, and traditionally, the Labour Party in short by contributing their intelligence, time and creativity. Only to find themselves back in the scapegoat position because of ten years of economic austerity brought on by a banking crisis and a tech revolution which they did not invent. It puzzles me as always with the anti Israel madness – Why does this honourable man not show similar concern over the plight of the Christian Yazidis Copts and Druze , nor the murder of the Muslim Rohingas in Burma or the brainwashing of the Uigers in China . 

That doesn’t get his goat – or his scapegoat in the same way strangely. China has the worst human rights history in the world but Corbyn will sup with a Chinese leader without compunction or comment. There are twice as many Chinese citizens in the UK than Jews but there is no Anti Sinoism. Is there? Ask yourselves why. We tend to integrate too well and worse, to criticize ourselves too publically. But the current Labour Party is obsessed by Israel, by the Jews as capitalists and by the old sinister propaganda regime of Jewish conspiracies. We want to rule the world don’t we.? 

I don’t know about you but I find it so tiring, running the banks the media the state, the entertainment industry- And still do my shift in the corner shop in Coronation Street. Has there ever been a prominent Jewish world leader, save in Israel and not counting the convert Disraeli. How come we are so underhand and sly and clever that we do so badly at winning leadership eh? Ah wait – Because we lurk behind the power, the ashamed Jews, Marx Trotsky will tell you. I don’t know about you but I ‘m done lurking – where does it get me? It gets me here to a rally against Anti semitism. In England. In the year 2020. 

One question Jeremy and friends -What exactly is it that we do? Please tell you men of the people, Jeremy Bernard Corbyn educated at the Castle private school and Northampton Uni drop out? Seumus Milne, Winchester and Balliol, and John McDonald Private £36,000 a year school in Ipswich planning in their manifesto to get rid of the advantages they enjoyed– Dianne Abbot how are your boys faring? I want to know…just tell me what it is about us that makes you fear us. Because prejudice is always fear at its root. On the whole we don’t stab innocent civilians. We don’t chop off hands or behead or bring down planes or poison doorknobs or groom poor white girls or kidnap schoolgirls or lure and impregnate young girls hundreds of miles from home. Can you imagine the recriminations if we did just one act of jihad? There wouldn’t be a shop front left in Temple Fortune or an undesecrated cemetary in South Manchester. We don’t proselytize. We live and let live. Sometimes a bit of white collar fraud yes – sometimes a Madoff or – as Mr Corbyn would have it an EPSHTYNE – we’re not perfect we come in as many forms as most species – but in relation to our size we have the lowest crime rate of any faith. 

Our philosophisers are greater than our philanderers and our philanthropy is greater than both. I won’t quote our ratio of Nobel prize winners because we know it and mumble it with quiet pride. We punch so hard above our weight we could flatten Anthony Joshua with a dreidel. We’ve been here for four thousand years Survived the pogroms and genocides of millenniums and we’ll survive this upstart Islington wuss. But we must stand up and say so. We cannot be apologists for ourselves. We cannot leave it to civilised non Jews to do it for us. To write those letters to the Israel hating Guardian and New York Times, to Channel four News and the BBC to protest against bias reporting and stereotyping. Stand up against the bullying of Jewish MP’s and de-selection to slip in more Anti Semites under the guise of fresh new talent. Be unafraid and say out loud. NOT AGAIN. NOT AGAIN. NEVER ,NEVER AGAIN. 

And FINALLY KNOW THIS: Milne and McDonnel are not interested in this election. They keep the puppet Corbyn in place because they know he can’t win so that with a hung Parliament making the next four years an immovable mess – they can win a massive landslide and turn this country so far left that it meets Tommy Robinson ‘s boys seamlessly, so that you won’t be able to slide a red pamphlet between them. Et tu, Brutal?


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