The recent online images of Moshe Holtzberg celebrating his bar mitzvah were stark reminders of many important things we often forget. Moshe is the son of the Mumbia Chabad couple that were murdered by Islamic terrorists in 2008.
All Jews, everywhere, should take a moment and think about the never-ending work that Chabad does on behalf of Klal Yisrael: teaching Torah, operating schools and yeshivas, hosting shabbat dinners, reaching out to young Jews on campus to bolster their Jewish identity, and on and on.
Whether a Jewish family is on vacation in Hawaii, Disney World, or Iceland they can get kosher food due to the Chabad House there. When young Israelis go touring and hiking in Nepal or Paraguay after their IDF stint Chabad services are there for them too.
This Ahavat Yisrael, Love of Fellow Jews, should inspire everyone to do more to help one another, no matter what type of Jew needs the help.
Another lesson is despite the hatred of the Corbyns of the world we should be heartened by the fact that letters of congratulations were sent to Moshe from both President Trump and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Prime Minister Modi’s words are worth repeating “(Your) story continues to inspire everyone. It is one of miracle and hope overcoming tragedy and immeasurable loss. The perpetrators of the cowardly terrorist attack…clearly failed. They could not subdue our vibrant diversity. Nor could they dampen our spirit to march forward. Today, India and Israel stand together even more determined against terrorism and hatred.”
Attacks on visibly Orthodox members of the Jewish community have continued to climb since the 2008 with an attack on a London rabbi being committed on the same Shabbos Moshe was celebrating his simcha. An Islamic terrorist also attacked pedestrians near the London Bridge on the same weekend.
Tragically, Islamic terrorism is not going away. Jewish unity and Jewish vigilance are a needed response. All responsible Jewish leaders must place these co-dependent items at the top of their agenda.