New York News

Trump Fires Up Nation’s Youth at Turning Point USA Confab in DC

By: Lieba Nesis

Turning Point USA , a non-profit organization founded on June 5, 2012 by 25-year-old Charlie Kirk, held its annual Teen Student Action Summit at the Washington DC Marriott Marquis from July 22-25 to an excited group of 1,000 students comprised of mostly high-schoolers. Photo courtesy: Jonathan Williams,
From right to left: Kenneth Lagrande, President & CEO of Sun Valley Rice
Stacy Sheridan, Director of Turning Point USA
Judge Janine Piero, Fox News Superstar & Key Note Speaker
Adam Weiss, AP Public Relations
David Ben-Hooren, Publisher of the Jewish Voice

Turning Point USA , a non-profit organization founded on June 5, 2012 by 25-year-old Charlie Kirk, held its annual Teen Student Action Summit at the Washington DC Marriott Marquis from July 22-25 to an excited group of over 1,400 students who hailed from 1400 high school and college campuses around the nation. The diverse crowd also includes a large contingent of Hispanic and African American students. The impact of Turning Point has been undeniable as they have reached over 1,400 campuses and held more than 5,000 events with over 500,000 people throughout the globe, trying to counter the liberal zealotry of university zeitgeist.

Speakers during the four days at the Turning Point USA conference included Eric Bolling, Ted Cruz, Jared Kushner, (pictured above) Kimberly Guilfoyle, Dan Crenshaw, Don Trump Jr., Mike Gallagher, Candace Owens, Sebastian Gorka and Rand Paul. Photo Credit: Wikipedia

Speakers during the four days included Eric Bolling, Ted Cruz, Jared Kushner, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Dan Crenshaw, Donald Trump Jr., Mike Gallagher, Candace Owens, Sebastian Gorka and Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky. The proceedings began Monday evening with welcoming remarks by Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk and an ice cream party in the lobby. The focus of this week long conference is to enable high school and college age youth to display their heartfelt admiration for the exemplary work that President Trump has done to improve the country since taking office.

The President arrived at the Marriott at 11:05 am on Tuesday and spoke for over an hour about his great friend Charlie Kirk and the influential movement that the young Kirk had created. Trump, who loves discussing his historical win, reiterated how traditional values had been restored, remarking that his ex-friend Bill Clinton predicted he would take Michigan and Wisconsin. Trump joked that he recently shook the hands of 1,100 Air Force cadets in the exhausting heat, whereas most presidents had left after 50 or 60 encounters. He said AOC+3, also known in common parlance as “The Squad” – Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, (D-NY). Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN). Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) represented a detrimental element to the Democratic Party and he believed they hated our country. As a result, Trump expressed his view that because of them their party would lose the 2020 race to the White House. He called them out for their venom towards Israel and the Jews and said there were at least 20 more Democrats who were worse than this group.

He told the students to get used to the “unhinged” fake news and dishonest media and received the greatest applause when he spoke about the importance of the Second Amendment’s “right to keep and bear arms.” He also reiterated that “in America we don’t worship government, we worship G-d.” The President said he was looking forward to working with newly elected British Prime Minister Boris Johnson whom he called a British Donald Trump and that during his administration he will appoint 147 judges–more than any other president except for George Washington. Expounding upon the necessity of the southern border wall, Trump said that despite human trafficking becoming a significant problem the Democrats had withheld funding which forced him to garner funds from various other sources.

Referencing the strong economy in the US, Trump encouraged students to enter the workforce as 160 million people are currently employed with wages 10% higher along with the strongest stock market and greatest regulation cuts: whereas he stated a Hillary win would have resulted in a recession or depression. Photo courtesy: Jonathan Williams,

Referencing the strong economy in the US, Trump encouraged students to enter the workforce as 160 million people are currently employed with wages 10% higher along with the strongest stock market and greatest regulation cuts: whereas he stated a Hillary win would have resulted in a recession or depression. Building up our nuclear arsenal to unprecedented capacity was a necessary evil with his declaration that military might was at an all-time high. He criticized Iran for falsely claiming that they killed 17 Americans and saying we didn’t shoot down their drone and stated, “they lie a lot for religious people”.

The $40 million Russia investigation where 500 subpoenas were issued and no collusion or obstruction was found was a witch hunt which he said was initiated from the time he came down the escalator at New York City’s Trump Tower in the summer of 2015 and decided to run for the White House . The days of Europe ripping us off were over with President Trump convincing them to pay more than $100 billion as part of their NATO obligation. He also took note of the fact that the European Union, and especially Germany, were worse to us than China. He said we will become the first nation to plant an American flag on Mars. He called out the radical left for having contempt for America who they see as a menace to be constrained and who espouse division, discord and demolition. He derided them for seeking to abolish ICE and now wanting to obliterate the Department of Homeland Security; thus placing the safety of Americans in jeopardy.

Thousands of the nation’s high school youth who embrace conservative principles such as limited government, free enterprise and the growth of capitalism gathered in Washington, DC for the annual Teen Student Action Summit of Turning Point USA at the Marriott Marquis. The impact of Turning Point has been undeniable as they have reached over 1,000 campuses and held more than 5,000 events with over 500,000 people throughout the globe, trying to counter the liberal zealotry of university zeitgeist. Photo courtesy: Jonathan Williams,

Their objective, he said, was to control the family and destroy the republic. Trump said he cherished the First Amendment and Americans right to speak their mind. He vowed to fight the liberals and social media giants who seek to unfairly silence the voices of the people. On top of the list of those that he will withhold funding from include colleges that ask for billions of dollars yet, punish dissent. The most impactful portion of the speech occurred in the last ten minutes when the President highlighted students who had flouted societal pressure to support Trump’s agenda. First in this group was student Ryan Zinke who was pepper sprayed at a Turning Point USA rally.

Ryan Zinke was called to the stage as the crowd excitedly chanted Ryan. Ryan said conservatives were being silenced and shut down and that their voices needed to be proudly expressed. Membership of Turning Point USA has skyrocketed after the group was smeared for holding up an American flag. Intrepid chapter leader Dan Gallipoli ascended to the podium to declare that irrespective of what any teacher, school administrator, or any student says, we will “stand up for what we believe in.”

Charlie Kirk is the Founder and Executive Director of Turning Point USA, a national student movement dedicated to identifying, organizing, and empowering young people to promote the principles of free markets, and limited government. Since the inception of Turning Point USA on June 5th of 2012, Charlie Kirk has grown Turning Point USA from nothing to having representation on over 1,200 high school and college campuses nationwide and over 150 full time staff. At 25 years old, he has appeared on Fox News, CNBC, and FOX Business News over 600 times. Charlie Kirk is also a best-selling author, was featured on Forbes 30 Under 30 in 2018, he was the youngest speaker at the 2016 Republican National Convention, and a proud Eagle Scout. Photo Credit: Facebook

Hunter Richard, another bullied high school sophomore, was wearing a red cap when a thirty year old man threw a drink at him and called him a racial slur. Hunter arrived on stage declaring he was proud to wear his MAGA hat and was upset he only gets to wear it for six more years. Trump concluded by praising these trailblazers for their bravery and stating the “silent majority is silent no more ” because of the greatness of the future leaders in the room. Hinting that presidential material was in the room, Trump told the youthful assemblage that someday, some of them might be standing where he is at that very moment.

Sholom Schreirber

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