Arts & Culture

“Confronting the Deception” Challenges Insidious Propaganda with Irrefutable Facts

By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

Clouds of smoke rise from fires at the World Trade Center Towers as a result of terrorist attack on September 11, 2001. Photographed 9:54 am in Lower Manhattan. The author writes, “Jihadists and their holy war are now here in America; we invited them in even after we saw their attacks in Israel and in Europe, and after they slaughtered almost 3,000 Americans on that fateful sunny morning in 2001.” Photo Credit: Shutterstock

It has been my honor and pleasure to get to know Tabitha Korol. She’s not only a wonderful author and writer, but a true patriot and someone who is not afraid to tell it like it is. As America roils with chaos and uncertainty foisted on her from leftists who are intent on removing a duly elected president and forcing the freest nation on earth into bowing before Marxism, Tabitha writes of what we have forgotten. She writes on what happened on 9/11/2001… and on what many of us swore we would never forget.

It has long been my belief that we should have attacked Iran after 9/11 as the major culprit in the attack on our homeland and the major supporter of terrorism against Israel. But in the end, the enemy here is radical Islam and always has been. And the threat has not diminished but has grown in the last 17 years. We have let our guard down and we have let the enemy within America. Communists on the left seed our communities with Islamist refugees we know nothing about – a recipe for murder, chaos, conquest, and terrorism. Jihadists and their holy war are now here in America; we invited them in even after we saw their attacks in Israel and in Europe, and after they slaughtered almost 3,000 Americans on that fateful sunny morning in 2001.

Confronting the Deception by Tabitha Korol, reminds all of us that it wasn’t just Osama bin Laden or al Qaeda that murdered innocent Americans that day. The threat had been growing for decades and Americans were comfy thinking we were immune to it. Not so much. If you read her research, it tells that although Muslims assure us of their peaceful intentions, most of it is Taqiyya (lies) to infidels.

I agree with Tabitha’s conclusion that it is not only a small number of radical Muslims who wish us harm, but it is also the Ummah itself… the Muslim collective. The radical terrorists are just those tasked with the dirty work. Islam believes it should rule the world under shariah law. From the beginning, I have considered it a flawed, fractured religion and for that, I have been censored and purged. So has Tabitha. It is an internal and an external threat we dare not ignore but seem bent on doing so. It is an existential threat to Judaeo-Christian civilization.

As Glenn Beck and others have pointed out often, the Caliphate (and there are multiple ones among Muslims) is a danger to all of us. The US stands with Israel because we believe in freedom. Islam does not. It is a theology that thrives on conquest, subjugation, bloodshed, and suppression. Korol’s book points out all of this and more. Photo Credit: Shutterstock

As Glenn Beck and others have pointed out often, the Caliphate (and there are multiple ones among Muslims) is a danger to all of us. The US stands with Israel because we believe in freedom. Islam does not. It is a theology that thrives on conquest, subjugation, bloodshed, and suppression. Korol’s book points out all of this and more. I believe this to be literally a fight to the death for civilizations.

Confronting the Deception puts forth that Islam claims that 9/11 was an act of the Caliphate and “is still being fueled by a Shadow Government.” With CAIR and numerous organizations now on US soil, that is a foregone conclusion. We have never been given the truth on radical Islam by the media, most of the government and certainly not by the left. In the end, the political theology of Islam in America screams hatred towards infidels and our way of life. “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” are no longer just sayings, but a goal of the Caliphate and we had better come to terms with it before it is too late.

Academia, from kindergarten to university, is disinviting valuable speakers, suppressing analysis and discussion, and turning patriots into globalists. Curricula, textbooks and teaching methods have been changed to Islamize the students, inspiration is extinguished, their vocabulary changed by fear or force, and competition discouraged by an equalizing grading system, engineering the children’s psyche to produce a compliant nonproductive generation. They are also being destroyed with intentional rejection of their gender, encouraging children to be what they are not sexually, thereby preventing marriage and procreation to diminish our population (a globalist agenda), and removing masculine traits to reduce our ability to self-defend from invaders. The media strongly encourages and supports the illegal invasion of America and keeps us from knowing most of what jihadists are doing worldwide.

“Confronting the Deception” challenges the insidious propaganda with arguments supported by irrefutable facts. Korol exposes the gravity of the threats we face with copious links to Koranic quotes, historic accounts, and trustworthy documentation not available in any other single source, and reveals the mentality that creates the jihadi terrorist, in order to help the reader to navigate the distortions that are peddled as truths.

Her book has been strongly recommended by Steven Emerson, journalist, author, executive director of the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT); Dr. Bill Warner, PhD., founder of Center for the Study of Political Islam (CSPI); Joan Swirsky, New York-based journalist, writer for the New York Times (Long Island section) for over 20 years, author/co-author of 12 books; Dr. Carl Goldberg, PhD, European and Russian history, author, anti-Islam lecturer; John Molloy, OJS, chairman, National Vietnam & Gulf War Veterans Coalition, and more.

Deception is the modus operandi of Islam and the Left. We are being indoctrinated to disrespect and dislike America, to devalue our freedoms, and to cast aside the advancements we’ve made since our founding. The “Eight Years” have brought us an increase in divisiveness, intolerance, street violence, rapes, honor killings, and FGM, combined with a drip-feed of false narratives to direct the thinking of the gullible. This book is an attempt to redress our endangered world, a must read. I cannot recommend the book highly enough. Tabitha Korol nailed it and she is a tremendous writer and researcher. You can purchase your copy on

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton is a Writer/Publisher/Editor for and researcher for


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