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PM Netanyahu and President Rivlin Attend IAF Pilots’ Course Graduation Ceremony

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Hatzerim Air Force Base – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today  addressed the Air Force pilots’ course graduation ceremony. Following is an excerpt from his remarks:

“President Trump recently recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, moved the US Embassy there, recognized our sovereignty over the Golan Heights and imposed sanctions, strong and biting sanctions on Iran, which declares its intention to destroy us. There is no limit to our appreciation and our gratitude. However, we always remember that we must be prepared to defend ourselves by ourselves against any threat. This is the fundamental principle that ensures our security.

Security control over the area west of the Jordan will always be in our hands. We will never give up our security and we will never relinquish the control to a foreign element. There are those who say that there will be no peace unless we relinquish the Jordan Valley. I say: If we relinquish the Jordan Valley we will ensure that there will be war.”

President Rivlin awarded Lt A, the outstanding graduate and top fighter pilot of Pilots’ Course 178, with his flight wings

President Rivlin to Lt G, the first pilot from the Druze community: “You are proof that partnership is in our hearts. You are proof of the determination of the Druze community to lead in every part of the IDF and of the commitment of the State of Israel to every one of its citizens.”

President Rivlin: “The strategic superiority of the Air Force lies in its human capital, in you. Every one of you graduates. And I am sorry that there are no female graduates this time among you. You are our real advantage.”

This afternoon President Rivlin awarded Lt A, the outstanding graduate and top fighter pilot of Pilots’ Course 178, with his flight wings. The graduation ceremony for Course 178 was held at Hatzerim Air Force Base, attended by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, IDF Chief of Staff Lt-Gen Aviv Kochavi and Commander of the Israeli Air Force, Maj-Gen Amikam Norkin.

“The Israeli Air Force has become a legend,” the president said in his speech. “It is a force that initiates, creates, dares, surprises, and improvises. It is an iron fist – powerful, lethal and sophisticated. One of the best and most advanced air forces in the world. It can launch precise attacks on thousands of targets near and far. It is a force that plays a key role in the State of Israel’s confrontation with evolving threats. Its wingspan reaches across the entire Middle East, touches outer space, is ready to respond immediately to any threat, and we are safe under its wings.”

The President emphasized: “The strategic superiority of the Air Force lies in its human capital, in you. Every one of you graduates. And I am sorry that there are no female graduates this time among you. You are our real advantage. You are the power of the Air Force and the wind beneath the wings of steel. Thanks to you, the IAF takes off and touches the skies. The most modern, powerful and sophisticated equipment would be of no use on its own, in defense or in delivering a precise attack. It needs men and women. People who exercise moral and ethical fortitude alongside operational daring. People who can make decisions. You are those people. You will determine the outcome of the battle.”

The president addressed the graduates of the course and said, with emotion: “In the last few days, I have read about you graduates.  Each one of you exemplifies quality, determination, love of the people and the country, and the search for excellence.”

“I was particularly moved by Lt G., the first IAF pilot who is a member of the Druze community,” said the President, adding: “Lt G, you are proof that partnership is in our hearts. You are proof of the determination of the Druze community to lead in every part of the IDF and of the commitment of the State of Israel to every one of its citizens.”

The president also referred to the grandson of former Prime Minister Arik Sharon ז”ל and said: “On the parade ground today is Lt R, grandson of a hero of Israel, a leader and commander, the late Prime Minister, a person I loved and admired and with whom I also disagreed, Ariel Sharon. Grandpa was so proud of you, and the grandparents of all the soldiers here are so proud of you all.”

The President mentioned the return of the Zachary Baumel ז”ל for burial in Israel, saying, “at this moment we remember Ron Arad ז”ל. It has been 33 years since Ron Arad, an IAF navigator, was captured in October 1986. The years that have passed have not diminished in any way whatsoever the commitment of the State of Israel bring Ron home. Just this year the State of Israel, at the initiative of the Prime Minister, brought Zachary Baumel who was killed in the battle in Sultan Yacoub during the First Lebanon War, home to Israel for burial. We have never and will never lessen our commitment to the sacred mission of bringing home every person that goes out to battle and does not return. We will do everything to find every shred of information about Ron and bring him home for burial in Israel.”


Photo credit:photo credit: Kobi Gideon and Mark Neiman (GPO)


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