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Saturday, June 29, 2024

RJC Condemns Heinous Hate Crime At Poway Chabad, Sends Prayers To Victims

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Earlier today there was a heinous attack on the Chabad House in Poway, California. RJC National Chairman Senator Norm Coleman released the following statement:

The shooting at the Poway Chabad House, a Jewish house of worship, comes on the six-month anniversary of the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting. First and foremost, our prayers go out to the family of the fatally wounded worshiper, the wounded and their families, and the Jewish community of Southern California. Second, as the Mayor of Poway said, this is a hate crime, and we are reminded that as Jews we continue to be targets of hate even after 3000+ years. Finally, we are thankful to the first responders who appear to have already caught the shooter and have gotten the victims to help and safety quickly. These people are heroes.

Violence, especially violence born out of religious hate has no place in our society. The RJC strongly condemns anti-Semitism, racism and bigotry wherever it raises its head. We pray for a swift and complete recovery for all those injured. We also call on our elected leaders to do everything possible to combat anti-Semitism.

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