Dems & the Reparations Issue
Dear Editor:
You can judge a person’s character by the legislation they support. The following Democratic Party 2020 Presidential Primary candidates attended or spoke at the Reverend Al Sharpton’s Annual National Action Network Conference. Each was asked by Sharpton if they supported legislation introduced by Texas Congress member Sheila Jackson Lee to have the federal government spend hard earned tax dollars to study if Washington should pay reparations to decedents of enslaved peoples.
The following “Politically correct” liberal Presidential wanna be’s looking for Sharpton’s blessing said they would support this proposal include Senators Corey Booker (New Jersey), Bernie Sanders (Vermont), Kamala Harris (California), Kirsten Gillibrand (New York), Amy Klobuchar (Minnesota), Congressmember Tulsi Gabbard (Hawaii) & Tim Ryan (Ohio), former Congressmember Beto O’Rourke (Texas), John Delaney (Maryland), Governor Jay Insle (Washington), former Governor John Hickenloop (Colorado), Mayor Pete Buttigieg (South Bend, Indiana), former San Antonio Mayor/Secretary of Housing and Urban Affairs Julian Castro and businessperson Andrew Yang.
Since passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the private sector along with city, state and federal government at all levels, have spent trillions under various programs which benefited African American citizens. This included minority quotas for both employment hiring and admission to college, awarding of contracts to Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, minority business mentoring programs, work place mentoring programs for promotion to higher positions and others.
Every glass ceiling in both the workplace and government was broken years ago. The election of President Barack Obama in 2008 was the last barrier to be broken. It has been common for decades to find African American citizens holding senior management positions in government and business. There is now a large and growing African American middle class.
My Jewish ancestors did not own any plantations and did not poison any slaves on Hebrew National Salami. They were too busy running away from the Cossacks and the pogroms.
Several African American generations have benefited and grown over the past 45 years since passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. It is time to move on rather than go back over 154 years to re litigate the 1861-1865 Civil War. We have all grown to look beyond the color of a person’s skin, ethnic origin, religious beliefs, sexual orientation or age and accept each person for who they are today.
These potential Presidential Democratic Party nominees who continue pandering do not deserve either your vote or campaign contribution.
Larry Penner
Great Neck
Holocaust Memory is Fading
Dear Editor:
For years I have been predicting that all the Holocaust education, museums, books and survivor testimonies will not save Holocaust memory. I remember saying this at a recent lecture I gave in New Jersey; a teacher challenged me telling me we had a great Holocaust Commission. Yes, I answered, I served on it for 9 years , was one of its original founders, and served as one of the editors of the Holocaust curriculum. At a commission meeting I challenged the group to show me proof that we have made a significant difference.
Remember, the New Jersey Holocaust Commission is one of the best in the country with dedicated members and outstanding teachers of Holocaust. But I warned the Commission that we are teaching Holocaust together with other genocides which occurred throughout history, and soon genocide will take over the importance of Holocaust education; the only memory which will remain will be that of genocides in general. I further have recommended we must have Holocaust liturgy in all religious services especially the High Holidays. See my PASSOVER HOLOCAUST HAGGADAH on AMAZON. I know I am correct and do not mind people challenging me . I hope I am challenged and that we discuss this fully. Holocaust memory is in jeopardy. When the last Holocaust survivor dies and we 2 g’s are dying off , you will see Holocaust memory vanish; the revisionists will take over and the Holocaust will only be a date in history. If I am wrong prove me so.
Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg
Appreciating the Message of Passover
Dear Editor,
I just wanted to wish everyone a very warm and dear happy Passover from the bottom of my heart. I have enjoyed the newspaper’s coverage of all events from all corners of the globe and want to take this time to slow down, give my thanks, and say that I hope everyone has some downtime to enjoy some Seders with family members and others who are close to heart.
Passover is one of those holidays and traditions that are so deeply engraved into my memory, into my very being and existence. It is a nice annual holiday, and while I would like to be able to eat leavened bread, I like being reminded for about a week that I’m really lucky to have the things that I have. That is one of the takeaways I get from not eating bread. It makes me thankful to not be stranded in the desert, thankful to have food, and thankful to not have gluten sensitivities. I also feel good at the end knowing that I had the discipline to follow through with a plan.
Moreover, it is important to take the parts of Passover like eating matzah instead of leavened bread and remember the history of the Jews being persecuted and how special it is that I can come together with loved ones in the comfort of a home to enjoy a meal and a recounting of our ancestors’ struggles. What fortune to be in such a position.
Don’t take anything for granted this Passover, and make sure to hug those you love extra hard on this special occasion. Chag sameach, everyone, and if you are like me and are the first-born son and will not be at services on the first day, have a safe and easy fast!
Michelle Berkeley
YUGE Yankees Fan!!
Dear Editor,
Start spreading the news! I was happy after reading your article “Yankees Ranked Most Valuable Franchise in MLB on Forbes List,” because, well, I am a big Yankees fan. I guess the Yankees won the MVF award, so to speak.
The Yankees Franchise bought back the YES Sports television Network, which broadcasts Forbes’ “SportsMoney” show, for $3.5 billion from Disney in March. The Yankees team is owned by Yankee Global Enterprises, an LLC controlled by the family of the late George Steinbrenner, a Cleveland-based shipbuilder, who bought the team in 1973 for $8.7 million.
It is no surprise that the world’s most successful sports franchise tops the MLB list for value, and it makes me proud to think of that value that is created right up in the Bronx. I think about how my late grandpa grew up in the shadows of Yankee Stadium and was a huge fan, having seen almost all of the greats walk out onto the field. It gives me some joy and comfort to think about how the franchise is still thriving and not going anywhere anytime soon. Here’s to hoping for more championships and more franchise success.
Winona Muntz