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Jewish Organizations Unveil Campus Security Initiative Amid Rising Tensions Ahead of Fall Protests

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Edited by: Fern Sidman

In response to escalating threats and hostility towards Jewish students on college campuses, two prominent organizations, Secure Community Network (SCN) and Hillel International, have launched a new initiative aimed at enhancing security for Jewish students as they return to campus this fall, as was reported on Thursday in The New York Post. This proactive measure comes after a wave of anti-Israel protests and incidents that have left Jewish students feeling vulnerable and unprotected, raising urgent concerns about their safety and well-being.

The decision to bolster security measures follows a series of troubling events on college campuses across the United States. This past spring, anti-Israel demonstrations at Columbia University culminated in students breaking into Hamilton Hall and occupying it. The information provided in The Post report indicated that despite the severity of the incident, none of the arrested students were expelled, according to a report from a House of Representatives committee. This overt lack of accountability has fueled concerns that campuses are not adequately addressing threats against Jewish students.

These concerns are not isolated to Columbia University. Across the nation, Jewish students have reported feeling increasingly unsafe as protests and “encampments” critical of Israel have grown more aggressive. The situation has reached a point where a federal judge recently ordered the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), to ensure equal access to campus facilities for Jewish and non-Jewish students alike, The Post report said. The judge criticized the university for claiming it had “no responsibility” to protect the religious freedoms of Jewish students, a stance that highlights the broader challenges faced by Jewish communities on campuses nationwide.

The sense of urgency surrounding these issues was further highlighted by statements from campus police at the City University of New York (CUNY), who admitted that their campuses were not prepared for another round of potentially dangerous anti-Israel protests, as per the information contained in The Post report. The growing tensions have prompted calls for immediate action to safeguard Jewish students as they return to their studies.

In light of these developments, Secure Community Network and Hillel International have unveiled “Operation SecureOurCampuses,” a comprehensive campaign designed to fortify security measures on campuses where Jewish students, faculty, and staff may be at risk, as was revealed in The Post report. The initiative reflects a recognition that the current threat environment is unacceptable and demands a robust response to ensure that Jewish members of the campus community can pursue their education without fear.

The Post reported that Michael Masters, National Director and CEO of Secure Community Network, emphasized the urgency of the situation in a recent statement: “The unacceptable threat environment for Jewish students, faculty, and staff on campuses across the country demands an immediate and robust response. We are committed to ensuring that members of the community feel safe and supported as they pursue their education — they should be able to walk across our campuses free from fear, harassment, or targeted violence.”

In the wake of the October 7th Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, the Jewish community in the United States has faced a significant rise in threats and suspicious activities. The Secure Community Network (SCN), a key organization dedicated to safeguarding Jewish institutions, has tracked 674 such incidents since the attack, underscoring the heightened risk environment.

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, SCN has taken proactive steps to address these threats by bringing together law enforcement and public-safety officials from 92 universities across 24 states, The Post report explained. This effort also included representatives from the FBI and Jewish security professionals, creating a broad coalition focused on improving the security landscape for Jewish students and faculty.

The collaborative discussions resulted in ten key recommendations designed to enhance campus security. These recommendations emphasize the importance of proactive planning, strict enforcement of security policies, and increased cooperation with local law enforcement agencies. By implementing these measures, campuses can better protect their Jewish communities and ensure a safer environment for all students and staff.

Hillel International, the largest Jewish campus organization globally, has played a pivotal role in this security initiative. According to The Post report, Adam Lehman, president and CEO of Hillel International, emphasized the importance of the partnership with SCN in addressing the current security challenges. “Together, we will continue to invest in expanded security resources that facilitate safe and secure opportunities for students to take advantage of the broad array of Jewish experiences and programs available through Hillel and its partners,” Lehman stated.

The ten recommendations developed by SCN and its partners provide a roadmap for universities to enhance their security measures. These include:

Proactive Planning: Universities must develop and regularly update comprehensive security plans that address potential threats and outline clear procedures for responding to incidents.

Strict Security Policy Enforcement: Campuses should enforce security policies consistently and without delay to prevent lapses that could jeopardize the safety of Jewish students and faculty.

Enhanced Cooperation with Law Enforcement: Building strong relationships with local law enforcement agencies is critical for ensuring a rapid and coordinated response to any security threats that arise on campus.

Training and Awareness: Universities should conduct regular training sessions for staff, faculty, and students on how to recognize and respond to potential threats, ensuring that everyone on campus is equipped to contribute to a secure environment.

Increased Surveillance and Monitoring: Campuses should invest in surveillance technology and increase monitoring efforts to detect and address suspicious activities before they escalate.

Support for Jewish Centers: Ensuring the security of Jewish centers on campus is essential for maintaining the cultural and religious practices that are central to Jewish student life.

Crisis Communication Plans: Universities should develop clear communication strategies to keep the campus community informed during security incidents, minimizing panic and ensuring an organized response.

Resource Allocation: Allocating sufficient resources for security personnel and technology is crucial for maintaining a secure campus environment.

Community Engagement: Building strong ties with the broader community, including local Jewish organizations, can provide additional support and resources for campus security efforts.

Regular Security Audits: Conducting regular audits of campus security measures can help identify vulnerabilities and areas for improvement, ensuring that security plans remain effective and up-to-date.

As Jewish students return to campuses this fall, the launch of Operation SecureOurCampuses is a timely and necessary response to an increasingly hostile environment. By enhancing security measures and fostering stronger collaboration with law enforcement, Secure Community Network and Hillel International are taking critical steps to ensure that Jewish students can pursue their education in safety. However, the success of this initiative will depend on the continued commitment of all stakeholders — from university officials to government leaders — to protect the rights and well-being of Jewish students across the nation. In an era of rising intolerance and division, this is a responsibility that cannot be ignored.

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